Another palpating question

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Dec 28, 2014
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Hi all!

I am new to breeding rabbits. I purchased a standard rex doe who was bred before I got her. Their records indicate she was bred Dec 27th, so if my math is right, today is day 14.

I tried palpating after watching several videos and what I felt was like when people get swollen lymph nodes. Probably an inch long, oval like an egg and firmer than everything else in the belly but not hard.

Some sites say that the babies are the size of a grape, others say blueberry, but this seems bigger than both. I felt several but she isn't the tamest doe and was getting irritated with me so I didn't take the time to count.

Are there other structures in the abdomen that feel like what I described, or was that babies?

Either way I guess we'll find out in a couple weeks!
I would say that you have found babies! At 14 days they would be larger than a grape, though not sure on how "soft" they would be. Though I have found persoanlly, that after 15 days I have a hard time feeling the babies till a couple days before they are actually born.
Sagebrush":2vn5i9rn said:
I would say that you have found babies! At 14 days they would be larger than a grape, though not sure on how "soft" they would be. Though I have found persoanlly, that after 15 days I have a hard time feeling the babies till a couple days before they are actually born.

I usually palpate at 9 or 10 days, and at that point the embryos feel about the diameter of a dime, if that gives you a better size reference. By day 14 they would be quite a bit larger than that, so I would agree that you probably felt babies.

There are no other free floating structures in the abdomen that are round. The kidneys are attached to the abdominal wall (about 1/2 way up the rib cage), the liver is flat, the stomach is a large kidney shaped mass... the only other round things you would feel are rabbit poop, and those are small and hard.
Wonderful, thank you! This doe has had a few litters and they said she is great mom but doesn't throw the colors they want in their program. She is a blue otter and was bred to a black otter, with chocolate otter, blue otter, and black otter in both pedigrees, but they are breeding for black otter and she only throws one or two in each litter. It will be interesting to see what colors we get, there are some brokens a few generations back on both sides.

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