ALWAYS check the number

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
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So, I'm doing the rounds, working to move my cold camp back into the rabbitry, and I grab what I thought was my first buck, old Lucky. and something isn't right...

Took him in the house, and it's a SHE, and she has a different ear number than I use...

Anybody know who uses #BM## for their tats?
Me thinks someone handed me the wrong rabbit, 3 shows ago.

And yes part of that at me.
Well, at least in AK you can more quickly narrow it down as to who the rabbit belongs to. I'm guessing from what I saw at the rabbit show I attended there that all the exhibitors pretty well know each other.

But given how spread out the state is, it may be an adventure to rehome the erstwhile bunny and get yours back home where it belongs, too.

And yes, it does follow to always check ear numbers before taking a rabbit back to its carrier.
Well on the LUCKY side, there is literally just three breeders in thriantas in the state (this is ALSO a bad thing)
On the so good, this doe is from a old line, and I know that there was a BM line, but not any more, just I don't know WHO to looking for the pedigree from.
Jack":1zfcyxey said:
Well on the LUCKY side, there is literally just three breeders in thriantas in the state (this is ALSO a bad thing)
On the so good, this doe is from a old line, and I know that there was a BM line, but not any more, just I don't know WHO to looking for the pedigree from.

If all of you THREE-anta breeders :lol: (pun intended) in the state would get your heads together before a show, you could ensure that at least one of you would get GC legs in each class at the show.
One is the judge...
Another seems to be busy all summer and won't drop her off, even when I offer to take them to the show..
and then there me, I have rabbits and no clue what to do with them
Jack":1gv80dba said:
One is the judge...
Another seems to be busy all summer and won't drop her off, even when I offer to take them to the show..
and then there me, I have rabbits and no clue what to do with them

well, looks like some alias' are in order!!! Use wife's maiden name-- kid's middle name-- uh, wait-- not quite ethical, is it-- DARN!!!

Don't the show secretaries have to keep track of entries? would the ear tat not match an entry form or comment card someplace?
And Jack--it is summer time-- so you cannot say you hard a hard time because of lack of light!!!

Hey, post the darn doe on RabbitSwap!!!
Um,I do the rabbits before going to bed...
and I know that the two hours of dusk aren't pitch black, but I wear glasses for a reason, and my mag light was in the rabbitry, dead (toddlers...)

So I solved the mystery, I know this rabbit, a brooder doe, by name and not number, and I forgot she was outside stock, so I expected a SC instead of a BM (bill mairs BTW)

I really need to get her in condition. She doesn't look like herself.

And don't make fun of me, I'm a first time officer, and I don't have the program (most likely NEVER will (HOPEFULLY)
I do, I take money, break legs, scribe, vote yeah to everything the Pres says, forward her , er, my motions...
Jack":1kwoqrgd said:
Um,I do the rabbits before going to bed...
and I know that the two hours of dusk aren't pitch black, but I wear glasses for a reason, and my mag light was in the rabbitry, dead (toddlers...)
Ah, so do I-- and I STILL can't see!!!

Jack":1kwoqrgd said:
And don't make fun of me, I'm a first time officer, and I don't have the program (most likely NEVER will (HOPEFULLY)
I do, I take money, break legs, scribe, vote yeah to everything the Pres says, forward her , er, my motions...
The motions you forward-- perhaps the one fingered salute? Have you considered using the saggital salute? That involves the whole hand and the nose, holding thumb in place as you *wave* the other four digits--- :twisted:

Jack-- Chill-- this is something to laugh about in December--
Hey! I'll make it to some shows sooner or later! Actually, when is the next one. I am getting tired of doing the market and I need a break. PLUS, I have some good stuff to show this time around. Sorry, wasn't going to break my neck to send rabbits that wouldn't win. (Molting.)
SatinsRule":h21ntvqz said:
Jack":h21ntvqz said:
Um,I do the rabbits before going to bed...

My mind may just be in the gutter, but that sounds like entirely too much information!! :lol: :p :p :lol:

Shame on you! I did not think of that AT ALL...Nope, not once, that is my story and I am sticking to it... :oops:
Well, when you have a buck that seem to only have three joys in life, and you haven't fed him yet, or have a doe with him, sadly I tend to be the recipient of his target practice. It just makes it easier if I come in the house and go straight to the shower.

Next show is the second weekend, I think the 16th, and I'm the official leg breaker ( I got voted in behind my back - I should have known something was up when I was sent to the store for pop) , call me and I'll figure out how much you owe for the NO-Show

I post my gutter stuff somewhere completely else
I know how much it is, $59.00. It's a tough pill to swallow! PM me Maria's address. Paying that might prevent me from showing at this one, though! :p
you can show in your name, your wife's name and both together. there is your 3 exhibitors. just be sure to show 5 rabbits.