Your cat food with meat probably already has added taurine. A vegan cat food can indeed be survivable so long as they add (typically synthetic, since it'd be counter intuitive to use meat, lol) taurine. However vegetables have a lower ph (than meat) so cats can develop urine crystals, which is why most vegans don't feed a vegan cat food, nor is it recommended.
That said, a vegan dog food is pretty safe. But I've never even met anyone who feeds it.
And vegans know wolves eat rabbits and are fine with it, because a wolf can't just go buy vegan food or eat a vegan diet. It's why most vegans are fine with those who have to hunt for food, if otherwise they'd starve.
I get why y'all might dislike vegans, and I do agree a lot of internet vegans are, er, uh... :lol: ridiculous, including the one in the original post, but most are pretty reasonable people who simply believe that animals shouldn't be killed if we can help it. It's just the ones who can say stuff anonymously that suck.
With that said, I think that pie looks delicious.