ah, hatemail~

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May 24, 2012
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It's weird isn't it? The amount of...irrational hatred some people have for those who are raising their own meat animals.

It amazes me even more when I find the hater usually eats chicken nuggets without ever even thinking about the living conditions those animals experienced. Sometimes they even say "Go eat a chicken!"

Chickens are apparently OK, because they are not quite as cute. :shock:

I wonder if they would take all the buns to a no-kill shelter? Here, that can mean a fate worse than death.

BTW, the pie looks delicious.
I haven't gotten hate mail for this yet...and in my line of work people are more worried abut me stuffing animals then eating them. PETA really messed up things for use with their lies
Celice":2ynfzo9i said:
I haven't gotten hate mail for this yet...and in my line of work people are more worried abut me stuffing animals then eating them.

Usually, I can deflect the "it's evil to use fur!" mentality when I tell people the animals were raised for human consumption.
If that doesn't work, some people will accept it if I tell them it's for DOGS and CATS.

If my obligate carnivore pets MUST have rabbit for health reasons...suddenly, I'm a saint instead of a butcher? :shock:

But it's not OK to eat rabbit for my OWN health??

I think we should all sit down, and think this over carefully...while enjoying a slice of Nyctra's pie. :D

somepeople just don't get that their can't be too many of a species or they get sick and destroy much more than needed. Humans are an exception to this rule because we are self-providing.

but most people just see cute bunnies and foxes. Heaven and Hell forbid you dare harm a wolf! :frypan:
Miss M":2v5te5el said:
"Have some pie." Bwahahahahaaa!!! :rotfl:

I want some pie. :weep:
Same, Miss M, same...that one was from a while ago. It was just a nice pic for a reply. Our freezer is running disappointingly low.
My mum bakes the pies. :D I just, ah, help a bit with providing a certain home-grown ingredient. :mrgreen: bahaha

Zass":2v5te5el said:
Chickens are apparently OK, because they are not quite as cute. :shock:
I tried raising some Cornish X...fell totally in love with the fat silly things and how they'd waddle as fast as they could after me. :oops: I still ate them, but I want more!!

Zass":2v5te5el said:
I wonder if they would take all the buns to a no-kill shelter? Here, that can mean a fate worse than death.
Most shelter buns I've seen online, they always look so sick...snuffles, abscesses, tumors, malocclusion, paralyzed legs, wry neck...crud like that. I don't even like the thought of taking a rabbit to the vet because of what it could be exposed to there.
I'm not sure why, but I've always been iffy on shelters. :? I was taught it was the morally right thing, but I feel like many are better off dead than waiting around futilely or potentially causing someone or something harm. Not sure why I've heard more negative outcomes than happy endings about shelter pets, but surely that's not just a coincidence... I tried getting a shelter cat. Worst idea ever.
I've gotten in trouble asking various online classifieds for old hens, roosters, and hatching eggs to feed the various age and size poultry to my cats and dogs. I pointed back to them that if they have pets that chicken in their kibble is made of roo chicks ground up while alive and retired battery hens. It usually works. I did get a stalker once who got all my ads for buying and selling anything shut down across CL, ebay classifieds, hoobly, and whatever the parent site of ebay classifieds is. I then got them ip banned from all those places and my ads reinstated. :twisted: I never admit any person eats the meat of anything I raise because that's a much more difficult argument to win. They don't care rabbit is good for you. You can live on vegetarian items so whether you can argue it's a natural diet for humans or not according to such people you should do it anyway for moral reasons.
I used to consider trying to be vegan or at least cutting back majorly on meat...
but then I'd get an awesome reminder that I'm allergic to most fruits and veggies. :cry: I'm not sure how I'd survive without animal products. :?
So screw that idea. Bunnies are too awesome and tasty to give up anyway. :p
I must say, that is the PERFECT response. :lol:

I've often wondered how I will deal with the haters, when that day comes. I pretty well decided to not say anything, and just delete any comments, messages etc. It never seems to get anywhere, trying to reason with them, since they usually aren't very reasonable in the first place. I figured I wouldn't waste my time. That's just me, though.

Although I really like the pot pie idea! Wow, I'm hungry, now. :dinner:
:yeahthat: please :D How does she get the gravy so tight? mine is always runny.....and that crust looks divine :dinner: .....Oh and great reply to the hater...... :lol:
JenerationX":2e02f3j3 said:
I assume all these saviors of animals convert all their animals to a vegetarian diet too, right?
Considering all the vegetarian and vegan cat food, dog food, and even chicken feed out there... a good number of them do. :|
Miss M":3mvtbn40 said:
JenerationX":3mvtbn40 said:
I assume all these saviors of animals convert all their animals to a vegetarian diet too, right?
Considering all the vegetarian and vegan cat food, dog food, and even chicken feed out there... a good number of them do. :|

funny thing is some 'chicken' and 'beef' in dog/cat food is not chicken or beef at all. what do you think happens to the mink and fox carcasses on fur farms? yep, dog kibble.

but still! it's meat!
Miss M":1njnqedg said:
JenerationX":1njnqedg said:
I assume all these saviors of animals convert all their animals to a vegetarian diet too, right?
Considering all the vegetarian and vegan cat food, dog food, and even chicken feed out there... a good number of them do. :|
What healthy long-lived pets they must be. :roll:

katiebear":1njnqedg said:
:yeahthat: please :D How does she get the gravy so tight? mine is always runny.....and that crust looks divine :dinner: .....Oh and great reply to the hater...... :lol:
Gosh if I know. That's Mom's secret, I suppose... ;) I'd hate to see what would happen if I tried making a pie... :x
baha thanks. :D <br /><br /> __________ Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:01 am __________ <br /><br />
Celice":1njnqedg said:
funny thing is some 'chicken' and 'beef' in dog/cat food is not chicken or beef at all. what do you think happens to the mink and fox carcasses on fur farms? yep, dog kibble.

but still! it's meat!

I heard is also goes to fertilizer for them silly vegans. :mrgreen:
Pretty sure they cannot pass off mink as named chicken. I do not buy dog food with any unnamed ingredients like animal byproducts and such. I'm sure it can be found in what I consider lower quality food and I'm not particular about my chicken feed. Chickens can make useful food out of about anything.
Miss M":3867wi93 said:
JenerationX":3867wi93 said:
I assume all these saviors of animals convert all their animals to a vegetarian diet too, right?
Considering all the vegetarian and vegan cat food, dog food, and even chicken feed out there... a good number of them do. :|

Good grief! And here me and mom had recently been dumbfounded over all the corn in some of the dog and cat food we've seen. Who could think that corn is a natural or even halfway reasonable diet for a dog or cat? Now you tell me there are entirely meat-free dog and cat foods out there? :shock:

That's just not right! :x

As for the original topic...

You know who looks at a rabbit and thinks 'Food!"? A wolf, or just about any other predator. Is there something wrong with all of them, too? Are they disgusting, too? Boy, some people simply have no concept of reality...
It's possible sometimes to force a dog to live on a vegan diet, but it really will kill a cat because they require the taurine found in animal meat.

Don't'cha know, EagleGirl? Wolfies only go around eating bunnies they find dead already. They're far too noble to maim them.

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