Agressive doe won't breed help!

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Jan 25, 2014
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I have two sister that live together in peace and are now 7 months,
I have just bought a male who is so friendly. Now I bought the rabbits
For breeding, sapphire one of the girls doesn't attack the buck but does run away and won't stop. The other girl Rudy when put in his cage, attacks him and takes out clumps of fur, now my buck is scared of her and won't mount when hold her down. I don't want to have to get rid of her! Help how can I get them to mate. Even apple cider doesn't work or having them out in a run, she still attacks him :bunnyhop: :bunnyhop:
I would be checking that the attacking doe is indeed a doe. And if isn't a doe... I'd be giving the other one a nestbox and waiting for kits.

IF is a doe, then she's not ready to breed and is just a dominant doe. but based on behaviour...I'm betting it's a buck.

as for the doe running around and not stopping..sometimes a light touch on the head to settle them allows the buck to do his job.
If the aggressive one is really a doe... Then I think take him out of his cage and put her in his cage alone for a few hours for 3 days, so she can smell his sent and that should get her hormones going. At the end of the three days check her vent and see if she is super ready, she should be very pink or purplish, if you pet her down her back and touch her tail if she's really ready she should even lift when you pet her. So,when she seems really really ready, then put them together— but i would maybe not put her in his cage because he and she had a bad experience in there before and might remember it— so perhaps put them somewhere neutral together, and see if she will lift for him and let him do his thing.
I agree, check the gender just to be sure.
There are a few other things you can do to encourage them to breed.

1.Putting the doe in a cage next to the buck for a few days often works.
2.Switch cages with the buck and doe for a few days.
3.Feed the does some apple cider vinegar in the water. (I've tried this a few times, and it seemed to help.....certainly can't hurt:)
4.Wait for a week or two and try again.
5.Table breeding (holding the doe for the buck), sometimes works.
6.I've also found that breeding on a really warm day seems to help does "take" in the Winter time.
7. If you get really desperate, some people swear by "breeding by the moon". (Breeding on full moon, or new moon nights.) I'm not convinced on that one yet,'s worth a try!
Good luck!

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