Devon's Mom Lauren":3pr3wn8q said:
Perhaps you can move them back out now and just bring the kits in during the night for a little bit longer. You are not describing a huge temp. difference especially during the day, so it should be no problem for any of them. If you think its going to get really cold or the kits do look like they are leaving the nest early , then bring them in for the night.
I had seen somebody talking about doing this with a litter once, and I had wondered if it was something you could pretty much do whenever, or if you only did it in certain situations. Thank you! I may do this!
lyndseyrk":3pr3wn8q said:
Miss M, I'm not sure exactly how your attached boxes are setup, but would it be easier to make the front (entrance)adjustable? For example you you make the front edge of the box removeable? You could have two front pieces: one about 5 inches tall (to keep babies in) and then another about 2 inches tall so babies can go to and from. It could be as simple as using screws to attach the piece, unscrew and switch them out as needed. Just thought this may be easier with future litters, than having to rearrange everyone whenever you have babies.
It's pretty much just a divided wood hutch with wood nest boxes mounted to the back, and a hole for each cut through the rear panel of the hutch. The only way to change the height of the hole would really be to have my husband build new nesting boxes, so hopefully this will work out okay. We'll keep a close eye on them... which won't be hard, since they'll be right on the other side of the glass...
(Some day, we would love to not be in an apartment anymore, and we could have some of the really nice setups like we've seen on here! We dream of owning a small farm... nothing huge... just enough for a couple of goats, some chickens and rabbits, a big garden, some fruit trees, and maybe a horse.)
Well wait to put the babies out. I may have to put Pearl out there first, not only because of the water line, but also since she's finally given in to the temptation to munch on the baseboards. Can't have that in an apartment!
__________ Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:18 am __________
Lyndsey... I forgot to explain something... the only reason we're having to rearrange everyone is that our upstairs neighbor's porch got rebuilt, and we had to get everything off of the porch. The hutch went out into the grass, but we brought the bunnies inside. They've been living in the bathrooms until all the commotion was done and we had a porch again. So I'm just trying to transition them back out there... I won't have to play musical bunnies in the future when I've got a litter due!
I put Thumper back out there yesterday, and he was doing fine. We were really enjoying having one of the bathrooms back, and not having a moving obstacle to avoid! Then my husband came home from a trip to the store last night, and said it might be good to bring Thumper back in for one more night, because there was a lot of lightning out there. *sigh* So he's back in the bathroom... but not for long! Today's forcast: sunny!

<br /><br />__________ Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:57 pm __________<br /><br />Well, I never got Thumper back outside today, because it stayed a full ten degrees cooler than it was supposed to be. I figured he could deal with a drop of 15-20 degrees okay, but to just throw him out into a 30 degree difference I felt was a bit much to ask his little body to do all at once. So, the next opportunity to put him outside will be Friday or Saturday. :roll:
I understood bringing him in again last night, instead of having his first night back outside be a thoroughly scary one, but I was really enjoying having a bathroom back! Oh, well.