Advice for breeding a young virgin doe

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2015
Reaction score
South TX
HI all, I have a 4.5 month old Holland Lop virgin doe that I am trying to breed. I have answered others threads on getting tough does to breed, and I know it takes patience, different environments, a variety things to try before things might work. I also understand the timing and rediness of the doe is a big deal. I am just wondering, is there anything else I should or could be doing because she is so young? My older doe will mount my buck and let him know what she wants to do. This young one just runs around. She doesn't seem to have any interest in sitting still for him, and still looks pretty small compared to him. I am not even sure things would all end up in the right place if she was still and lifted, just due to her size. I have read Hollands should be bred by 5 months, then others say they should be no younger than 6 months and its better to wait even a little longer. Just like everything else with rabbits and conflicting info I am trying to form my own opinion and way of doing things. Anyway, I appreciate hearing about your experiences or hearing others experiences and opinions. Thanks!
Due to the kindling issues dwarf breeds already have, you might want to wait until she's closer to full size.

I don't usually breed as early as 4.5 months, but when it's happened with the meat does it's been no problem for me or them.
Individual rabbits do vary.
I had two similarly aged doelings living with a buck due to a space crunch this spring.
The harli was ready and willing about a month and a half before the mutt doe was. :shrug:

If they were mine, I'd wait until she was at least 80% of her adult size, and then put them together once a week, with the assumption that she would lift when she's ready. If she has no interest by adult weight and 6 months, I'd probably start trying the "getting her bred" tricks.
If you are new to hollands.. may I make a suggestion.

Talk to the person you got this young doe from and find out when they start breeding their rabbits.
each person has their own standard that they breed to.

I breed for mine to be ready to breed at 4.5 months, others breed for 6 months start.

I figure if a meat doe can breed at 4.5 months.... why can't any of my other rabbits? growth rate is the same, just in smaller bodies.
Thanks to both of you! I think I'll go with my gut right now, and give her another month. I will probably let her exercise with my buck, to get her used to him, and if something happens oh well. She is one we kept out of our first litter, and will be bred by her dad. So I know the whole family and how they act really well. I think I mostly wanted affirmation that if she looks small and isn't into it that waiting a bit longer is ok. I bred my 1.5 yr old for the first time and had a litter last April, but I understand that I was lucky at that age not to have too many problems. She didn't breed right away, but I didn't have too much trouble and her hormones were in high gear at her age, so there were lots of signs then that I am not seeing now in this young one. I hope good mothering is passes down and we have great luck with her daughter! Thanks again for the good info!

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