6 wks of green feed

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
South Mississippi
I have had my buns (SF trio and NZW doe) for roughly 6 wks now. We have worked hard to convert them fr the pellets the breeder used to yard forage/garden waste/grains.

The first wk they were given a cup of pellets a day. They were very skinny when I brought them home. Some got a little more b/c they seemed starved. They were also given greens here and there by my kids (read, I have no idea how much greenery my girls fed the rabbits). A few members said to use probiotics since I didn't have the pellets the breeder used and we were working towards a green diet.

Grass was added to the pellets for the 2nd wk as well as radishes beets and a few green. pieces of Kale found their way in wk 2 as well. My rabbits LOVE kale. It is one of the 1st things they look for. Over the wks we added more greens and less pellets. We discovered our pellets were moldy around the same time the buns stopped eating them. THEY BECAME DOOR STALKERS. We started using oats with greens while I gathered enough grain variety to make a mix.

They now get 1 dry oz of grain mix every morning. We have two 5 gal pails that gets split between the 4 buns every evening. 1 pail is broad leaf yard weeds and brambles. 1 pail is garden weeds and veggies. If anything is left over in the morning it gets taken out. They eat a lot of radish, kale, bok choy, spinach, leafy salad greens, carrot tops, snow peas, and beets. I made yogurt bites to replace the probiotics and the buns love those and expect them everyday.

It takes about 15 min a day to take care of them.
We are expecting 3 litters in the next 2 wks. I am excited to see how well (or not)they stay in condition and how quickly the buns grow out. My hubs is already planning on spitting a few for rotisserie rabbit.
If you are still reading at this point thanks for sticking with my ramblings!

edited for smaller paragraphs :D
Wow! :bouncy: That sounds like it's working great so far! :razz:

Please do keep us updated!!!

(But please do consider breaking it up into smaller paragraphs... it's a lot easier to read! :razz: )
lissapell Sounds great!! This is what I hope to do with our rabbits (once we get them..) We will have an organic garden, so I hope to mainly feed them from that, hay and some good grains, pellets to supplement if needed.
That's a goal of mine as well for this next gardening season, we are thigh deep in snow right now...
I did plant a bed for alfalfa last year, got a few small cuttings from it.
Very cool and very smart. Mine get sprouted greens during the winter, some veggie trimmings, hay and pellets make up the majority.

During the spring, summer and early fall about half of their diet is made up of garden stuffs and weeds. I still feed pellets for the growth rate though.

Nice to see your more traditional diet is working well!

I feed my fruit and vegetable rejects from the organic grocer MOM's and pellets. They love the fresh stuff but have gotten picky. They leave the white parts of bak choy and the tougher veins of collard and kale. They used to eat everything when they didn't get as much. It's much easier to just feed them pellets and hay but I've gotten into a routine of visiting the dumpster several times a week to get the trimmings even though it's time consuming and cost a bundle for gas.

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