2 week olds pee color

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Feb 5, 2015
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I had my first two litters from mothers fed a pellet-less diet two weeks ago. They are thriving! I can tell a difference between their litters born last year on pellets. They smell better, are cleaner, no issues with nestbox eye and not one baby lost. Love the benefits of naturally fed! This is all a learning experience and I'm keeping vigilant of any abnormal signs. One thing I did notice yesterday when handling the babies is the color of their pee. When the one i was holding started to pee in my hand, it appears brownish instead of yellow. Moms are fed an oat/wheat germ mix with molasses daily. Perhaps this is causing the brown? Or is this maybe an indication of a deficiency? The supplemental molasses mix is the only thing that changed once the does kindled, they of course still get forage, grain, hay and alfalfa.
I wouldn't be worried if they are otherwise fine. Rabbit pee comes in a rainbow of colours and is affected by diet. If one pees on your hand again, try to see if it smells normal and if it is clear or cloudy--just in the interests of being careful.

Glad you're enjoying the natural feeding! Sounds like it is going really well for you. :D
Rabbit pee is a mystery to me....
My doe peed a readish color sometime ago (while inside in a small cage, while waiting out the heat--the pee tray was white so I could see the color well.) then a few days later, on the same tray she peed yellow..... :lol: No diet change, just the same pellets/yard grass/timothy hay....I have been adding DE to her food, and Grapefruit seed extract to her water....only thing new...could that be it?

It is amazing how small changes can affect pee colour :)
I panicked when a couple of ours started peeing bright orange... it was from them ingesting a few pine shavings... now I see changes now and then among all of them :)