1 out of 4 :(

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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2012
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I bred 4 rabbits and only got one litter out of the deal. She was one of my new NZs, the other didn't take. The other 2 I just bred to see what would happen. They don't really have a place in my breeding program, but I'm not ready to get rid of them yet. I actually witnessed the fall offs and both bucks have sired kits, so I know it's not them. I'm going to try them one more time and then process them out if I can't get any babies out of them, but I am really disappointed to only have 7 kits out of the deal :(<br /><br />__________ Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:59 am __________<br /><br />How do I go from having baby rabbits everywhere to having so many nonproducers???? grrr. At least the Calis are doing well. I can keep a replacement from this NZW litter and get rid of my other doe if I have to, but geez, it takes so long to raise them up to breeding age. (yes I know it's not really that long, but I'm impatient.)
Bummer, I'm going through a 'dry spell' as well but at least I can blame it on the lack of sun or colder temps.

In Texas the fall, winter and spring are the only time you can breed and there should be popples everywhere.
yep, that is what I was hoping for. I shouldn't complain. I have do have 3 litters, but I was hoping for more at this point. Well, the girls all get to have dates today, and if they can't make something happen, it'll make downsizing easier.

__________ Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:11 am __________

Plus my Calis are ready for breed back now, so that'll help. If they all have babies, I might have some serious cage issues, lol. DH brought me some new cage racks though, so all the more reason to buy more cages.

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