SF Buck here I come!! (PICS ADDED)

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2013
Reaction score
Western Michigan
I am SO excited! I finally found a 6/8 Silver Fox buck and I will be picking him up Friday! I can't wait!!! I will post pics as soon as I get him. :bunnyhop: :D


Yes and everyone I've talked to said they've never had a mean one. :) I'm getting a pic of him.from the seller today so I can't wait to see him. :) <br /><br /> __________ Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:27 am __________ <br /><br /> So does anyone have names for a SF buck? I don't have pics yet but all SF are the same Color so any suggestions?
Umm....if he is 3/4 Silver Fox he could be any anything depending on the colour of the non SF grand parent, the silvering is recessive so he might not have it or only a little bit. Also Silver Fox come in blue and chocolate, as well as black.

Did the seller send you a picture or a description? You could post it with permission or as a link to the ad or website.

I chose a metal theme for my American Chinchillas - Sterling, Silver, Platnum, Titania, and Iron Lady
I do not have a pic but. I have a pic of his mom. It is not an ad it's on FB. And I meant an intermediate buck (six/eight) since he is six mos. But I know he is purebred SF.
Well, it is a little past 7:00 a.m. here in California... where are our pictures??? :twisted:

Just kidding. :) Have a safe trip to get your new buck! Can't wait to see him! :D

The_Dutchess":3soxuikd said:
I finally found a 6/8 Silver Fox buck
Dood":3soxuikd said:
Umm....if he is 3/4 Silver Fox he could be any anything

More coffee, Dood? :coffeebath:

I think he is purebred, but in the 6-8 month age class. ;) Nice job on reducing the fraction though. :p :tomato:
:twisted: :pokeeye:

Sorry, but Mystang hasn't been on much lately, so you had to bear the brunt of my wit. :roll:
I used to think you guys were crazy (in a good way :mrgreen:) when you went somewhere for one rabbit and came back with three but now I did the same thing!

We went to pick them up and the lady said the people buying two does were a no show and since she had them wanted to make hertrip worthwhile. So she gave us the blue doe and black buck for an awesome price.

They are very stressed and don't like to be handled right now but they were calm and sweet upon pickup so I'm sure they'll settle in fine.

I didn't think we'd ever breed but here we are! Is it okay if I wait a week or two until I breed them?
MamaSheepdog":26d8otie said:
Well, it is a little past 7:00 a.m. here in California... where are our pictures??? :twisted:

Just kidding. :) Have a safe trip to get your new buck! Can't wait to see him! :D

The_Dutchess":26d8otie said:
I finally found a 6/8 Silver Fox buck
Dood":26d8otie said:
Umm....if he is 3/4 Silver Fox he could be any anything

More coffee, Dood? :coffeebath:

I think he is purebred, but in the 6-8 month age class. ;) Nice job on reducing the fraction though. :p :tomato:

I'm guilty of thinking the same thing as Dood, I just didn't say it :lol:

Congratulations on your SF. I just can't seem to let go of mine :love:
Pics are coming! I got a good one of the doe buck wouldn't stay still so I'll get a better one later. I don't have time to upload now.
I know Zass I love 'em already!
By the way, Their names are for the doe Lucky in Love (Lovey) and for the buck Soft Fall (we're just going to call him Softfall).

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