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  1. C

    they wont leave the tattoo along argh!

    on the flip side of the coin, my hubby and I do human tattoo's so, getting the needle in deep enough isnt the problem, and we didnt go through the whole ear to the other side. Just down into the tissue. But this was the first time using the clamp one, we liked the idea of the uniformity of the...
  2. C

    they wont leave the tattoo along argh!

    OK,so we got the tattoo outfit with correct size letters/numbers and the green ink. Its the clamp style. We tatted our buck, no issues there, we tatted 2 females that have produced for us (keepers) but when waiting for that dried ink to come off, we've left the ears alone so not to bother the...
  3. C

    NZ pedigree, possible inbreeding, help???

    Well, the Buck, named Bucky is Red, and he's the one with the tat, and in my opinion a rather nice looking rabbit altogether. I love his round head verses the long triangle head of the girls: ... 9543_n.jpg This is our Doe Cinnamon, her very first night at...
  4. C

    NZ pedigree, possible inbreeding, help???

    Thanks for the info! I am thinking of joining arba, and the new zealand club, but didnt want to do it empty handed. I was afraid of the inbreeding because of ill effects that I have seen in other animals (i have a mentally handicapped cat that was a product of father to daughter, everyone says i...
  5. C

    NZ pedigree, possible inbreeding, help???

    I was looking for some info, but its rather difficult to find! So, I was hoping someone here might be able to help. Here it is: I have what I believe to be pure new zealands, i bought them from a breeder, but at time of purchase i didnt request paperwork for them, didnt think i would need it...
  6. C

    Info/opinion on this feed breakdown please??

    Im new to rabbits, and the hubby came home with 3 of them. Currently they are on Manna Pro Select Series Pro Formula Rabbit food ( ... nformation ). I prefer a non hormonal (and no GMO thing i keep hearing about) diet. So i called a local feed shop (that i...