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  1. C

    What color is this kit?

    The Californian in my line carried a dilute gene and was very light. I think she may even have been a lilac or blue Californian. She has been dead since September, though, so I cannot refer back to her. She was pictured here in another thread Inwill try to include.
  2. C

    What color is this kit?

    So blue tort or black tort? Do you think they have the dilute gene? I have been playing with the genetics trying to isolate more of the recessives in the line.
  3. C

    What color is this kit?

    These are meat mutts. Their lineage includes a Flemish Giant apparently non-extension chestnut, a very lightly California marked doe, a red New Zealand/Flemish Giant cross and some REW TAMUK. I have never had a tort and am not sure.where.that could have come from. Could TORT happen with crossing...
  4. C

    What color is this kit?

    This kit looks fawn or orange but with blue underneath? see its littermate which isnclearly orange or red with white belly and ears. Doe was fawn/orange, buck was orange/red. Not sure what.idore than 3 generations back.
  5. C

    2 Does kindled small litter, how to best proceed?

    I would rebreed both in a week or so. 3 is a small.litter and if they have 5 weeks to nurse that is a respectable time to separate or not, depending on thr next litter size. You may just combine litters and give to the mom without babies...
  6. C

    What’s wrong with my buck?

    Maybe the heat is making both buck and does indisposed to breeding now.
  7. C

    When to breed a recovering rabbit?

    I mean that you would breed with a bu k who is about to be processed anyway, so no risk of passing any infection on. So breed with a meat buck who is ready to go anyway. Immediately after breeding, the buck goes tonfreezer camp.
  8. C

    When to breed a recovering rabbit?

    Can you find a local friend with a buck ready for the freezer to breed then butcher?
  9. C

    What color is this?

    She has very light feet and ears so she may even be dd.
  10. C

    What color is this?

    Fascinating. That must mean that mom and dad both carry Ee, correct? So he would be A_B_C_D_Ee. Mom would be harder to figure out as a Californian, but now I know she is Dd and Ee.
  11. C

    What color is this?

    This lighter colored kit is a pleasant surprise. Mom looks Californian and carries dilute. Dad is supposed to b we a pedigreed sandy Flemish giant bred color correct. Is this orange or fawn or something else?
  12. C

    Day 26 tomorrow

    Any photos or updates?
  13. C

    Biggest size of successful litter

    Hi! I am just wondering what your favorite biggest litter size? I just had a doe kindle 12 kits and she will be great. Her litters of 8 have been fat and fast growing. I had a different doe have 15 and she lost a few and we fostered a few. Those kits that were fostered are still much smaller...
  14. C

    Labored Breathing

    Raspberry leaves of raspberry leaf tea? Willow branches for pain?
  15. C

    Animal For Sale Meat breeding female

    I am just south of Baltimore. My sister is in Hedgesville and may be interested, though.
  16. C

    unexpected pregnancy termination

    How didnit turn out? Did they kindle yet?
  17. C

    Colony nesting

    Sorry to hijack. I started another thread specifically about moving a nest. How did you get your doe to care for the babies after the nest was moved?
  18. C

    How to get Mom to care for moved nest

    A colony doe had 15 kits in a burrow. I want to be able to monitor and we need to get the deep bedding out, so we removed the nest, placed it in a nesting tote and left it by the entrance of the burrow after we collapsed the burrow. The kits seem a little jumpy and noisy so I am not sure she...
  19. C

    Help! Doe passing pinkish blobs on due date

    Possibly the buck could have introduced something like pasturella into her uterus if he humped her head first and then got it right.
  20. C

    Help! Doe passing pinkish blobs on due date

    The pic makes me think of pyometra in dogs. I have heard of it causing similar issues.