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  1. A

    Pedigreed American Chinchillas - CT

    I have fully pedigreed American Chinchillas available for sale. Sire is a pending GC 2 dams are BIG one is 10.75 and the other is 11.5 pounds. I have 3 does and 4 bucks 11 weeks old. Most of them hit 5 lbs by 10 weeks and on 16% food. I have two new litters, 14 days old (so it will be a little...
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    How long does kindling take if it is interrupted after first

    Me too. I was hoping for a better second time, since the first litter she had, she had in the box, but killed 2.
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    Rabbit Hutch Progress

    Tractor Supply Company... and you may want to consider duratrays or metal ones w/o make that tray too heavy, you'll not want to clean it as me on that one :blush: also in case of resale..standard sizes are a good idea...allows more flexibility for purchaser (or you...
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    injured kit

    Akane has the right of it! peroxide is harsh. it is great for getting blood out of hair though :)
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    Rabbit Hutch Progress

    I would put either a support on either side for the tray, or down the middle, otherwise when you pull the tray out, if you aren't careful, it may tip and spill on the ground.<br /><br />__________ Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:49 am __________<br /><br />we bought TSC and the wire popped it's weld down the...
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    How long does kindling take if it is interrupted after first

    update between 3 and 7 this am...six more babies IN the nest AND fur pulled. I stuffed her baby from last night in there and left lem alone :)
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    Trouble giving birth?

    Glad she's doing better.
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    How long does kindling take if it is interrupted after first

    We are "okay" but she gets very defensive and flighty when with kits. I've got the one in a bowl, on a diaper with a rice bag. Seems quiet and calm. I think that's an excellent idea to fill the cage with hay. I can't sit out there, too cold. :) She's right by the door to the house, so I cannot...
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    How long does kindling take if it is interrupted after first

    How long does it take for a doe to finish kindling after starting, having one, and being disturbed. Okay, she had one,(on the wire) and honestly I only noticed because it was squeaking loudly as she was overcleaning it's tail to the point of erosion. It was already a little chilled, so I took...