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  1. D

    First Rabbit Show Questions- AZ State Con

    I'm so happy for your niece.... winning is fun and a BOB! WHOOT
  2. D

    First Rabbit Show Questions- AZ State Con

    Good points, you've hit almost all I would have said. One thing, the club I volunteer with to run shows allows youth to enter both on the same day. But they usually have one day shows. I know my rabbits get pretty grumpy after 2 shows, 3 they'll do but OHMG 4 they get pretty rebellious about...
  3. D

    Which buck looks best? Help me choose

    5 lbs at 4 months is kinda small for a meat rabbit. Don't know about that specific breed, the ARBA standard for it may be less. The typical meat breeds like New Zealand or California litters average 5 pounds at 2 months. Average meaning some are higher and some less. My American Chinchillas I...
  4. D

    Which buck looks best? Help me choose

    The silver fox colored rabbit looks narrower down by the table and has a slight hollow area above the hock/thigh/knee (different folks use different terms) you can feel this when putting your hand at the top of the hind leg. If you can get a finger or thumb inbetween the leg and loin there is...
  5. D

    Did I discover something new?

    Recently I soaked my resting matts in water/acetic acid. The kind you buy to keep fruit from turning brown. I used about 1/3 cup in a gallon. (estimate, but it was a lot) Using PH strip it was PH4. Not enough to burn but pretty acidic. Overnight ALL the yellow-white mineral was gone. Whoot...
  6. D

    What age to dispatch?

    Yes, I have heard of them but know little. Are they white? And do you think they live up to their reputation?
  7. D

    Doe shaking head - itching ears?

    Good suggestion of using oil. I've used that for ear mites for years. I would caution against a "couple of drops" of either tea tree or neem oil. I would dilute either of those fairly well. I know from personal experience that tea tree oil stings at a 50/50 mix with olive oil. Also smell...
  8. D

    What age to dispatch?

    Meeee tooo. Love the parmesan cheese in ground up rabbit. And unless your a vampire the garlic is a big plus
  9. D

    What age to dispatch?

    For me it is about tenderness more than size, but it is only two of us. Right now with my American Chinchilla rabbits I've been hitting around 7 pounds at 3 months which is the age point my meat buyer wants. He pays best at that age. A friend grows to 6-9 months because she wants more meat for...
  10. D

    My rabbits shed… A LOT!

    Oh yea and I have felted rabbit fur, works really well. A friend crossed her Chins with Satins and WOW beautiful hides came from that. I would have thought satin might not felt well, but must be wrong
  11. D

    My rabbits shed… A LOT!

    I also make a point of keeping extra rabbit wool around for back up if mom under insulates. Sometimes you get an over achiever who really goes to town and you can pull some out for later. I have socks that are a blend of rabbit and wool, LOVE them. Very warm. I only found them once on Amazon...
  12. D

    Climate related issues. Heat sterility and Climate regions

    This came up in a different discussion... which led me to ask folks about their experiences with heat sterility in bucks and asking you to describe your typical climate in warmer weather. I'm curious to see if we can recognize any pattern to this. When describing let us know what seems "normal"...
  13. D

    Doe not receptive

    I make a point to put my nest boxes out in summer to give them a good blast of UV light. It does seem to be an excellent sterilizer and deodorizer. I do the same thing with down quilts each year. And if not in a hurry for some reason I love to line dry sheets in summer, Love the way they smell.
  14. D

    Doe not receptive

    Concerning temporary heat sterility in bucks. I'm in Western Oregon which has a somewhat mild climate. My personal experience with heat sterility in bucks has been when it is over 90 to 95 or so. While we do hit those temperatures it isn't for long periods, usually for a few days and then it...
  15. D

    Doe not receptive

    Late to this discussion but wanted to add a little. I receive the ARBA magazine 4 times a year due to being a member. Occasionally their is something that is really valuable in it. There was a graph showing estrogen levels in does by month that was a real eye opener. Zero zip Nada in...
  16. D

    Did I discover something new?

    That is a horrible thing to happen. I've known several people who lost whole herds to dogs. I've also seen someone's caged chicken torn to bits by something. Never knew what though cause there is a lot of critters around her farm. Racoons, coyote, possum, even cougar. It is a semi farm...
  17. D

    Did I discover something new?

    Unless these plastic floors come in a larger size I can't see how you can use them with larger rabbits. My cages are 24x36 inchs for American Chinchilla rabbits; a meat/fur breed. How will you support the flooring? What keeps the rabbits from pulling it up? I use resting boards in my cages...
  18. D

    Disposing of non-edible the city

    I also live in a town so don't have the kind of room, or need for large composting. I'm also leary of composting meaty bits because of racoons, possoms and of course rats. I know we have all three. So I freeze what I don't use and dispose in our trash. I will occasionally rinse blood from...
  19. D

    What age to dispatch?

    well if your canning or making sausage toughness is not a huge issue. Oldsters can get boned and get ground up for sausage. I use a mix with garlic and of all things the cheap parmesan cheese in it. YUMM