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  1. E

    Looking for rabbits

    I am looking for a 6-7 wk old blue Holland Lop. I realize that there is a law about selling baby rabbits in Wisconsin that are younger than 8 weeks but I have raised around 50 rabbits in my life and I got them all between 5-6 weeks and never had a problem. The breeders who answer my request...
  2. E

    6-8 week weaning age- is it a bunch of "hoopla"?

    Hi, I have given up on trying to find a breeder willing to sell me a 6 wk old blue or lilac holland lop baby and am now looking into buying either a pregnant doe or pregnant pair so I could raise the babies and choose which one I want to keep. This way I could enjoy the baby stage without...
  3. E

    6-8 week weaning age- is it a bunch of "hoopla"?

    Thanks for the validation. I have also found that the "law" breeders are using to back up selling so much later is not being interpreted correctly. My husband and I looked up the law and it basically says that you cannot sell a rabbit that young to a retailer. Most breeders are know are not...
  4. E

    6-8 week weaning age- is it a bunch of "hoopla"?

    This is a subject I am really struggling with right now. I have had pet rabbits all of my life... and I purchased all of them between 5 and 6 weeks. My latest, Mokey, a Holland Lop was five weeks and 1 day old when I got him from the breeder. He recently died at about 9 yrs of age. I am...