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  1. B

    doe is not getting pregnant.

    Maybe that was it, my wife suggested that also. Didnt realize they were born in that thick of a sac.
  2. B

    doe is not getting pregnant.

    I wasn't home when it happened but it was a graphic mess. things looked inside out or maybe it was a sac of some sort? maybe one got blocked or turned sideways? im very inexperienced
  3. B

    doe is not getting pregnant.

    No she didnt. Is this something that needs to be done? Please explain so i dont mess up again. And i was convinced she wasnt pregnant she had no signs thats why i started the thread to begin with. I know this couldve been prevented just plz help so i can do everything i can to prevent this...
  4. B

    doe is not getting pregnant.

    Well I found out today my rabbit was pregnant all along. The unfortunate thing is she died giving birth to eight kits (perfect litter) :( . She didn't pull fur and never looked pregnant. I know these things happen but I just hope I didn't do something wrong to promote this. Well im two does...
  5. B

    is my rabbit old or sick?

    i will check the feces when i get home but ive been debating stewing her anyways i know somethings up and your right should to get the most out of it and considering im having breeding issues with my healthy ones maybe i should cut my losses and benefit while i can. but i will get back with you...
  6. B

    is my rabbit old or sick?

    ok cool didnt realize they live so long ive been misinformed. will check for coccidia when i get home. but thats good news that shes not old lol.
  7. B

    doe is not getting pregnant.

    ok thanks for input i will cut back a little bit and really check the backbone and love handles to help determine. It is hard to see those features in the pic. (the all white is hard to tell their physique without hands on evaluation). so if im no good at palpation i just breed for one day...
  8. B

    is my rabbit old or sick?

    I have a rabbit that is not eating hardly any food, hay, or drinking water. She looks overweight i know shes a little old 3.5-4 yrs old. She has been bred all her life except summer months. She has a verry mellow temperment almost sleepy allthe time. But if i try to pet hershe still hops...
  9. B

    doe is not getting pregnant.

    Ok great read i didnt know a lot of that info. Ill just keep trying.
  10. B

    doe is not getting pregnant.

    ok i think i got it. these arent the best pics because i get home after dark mon - fri. hope this helps. remember i got these does and buck not knowing anything about them i am trusting the people I bought them from that they are about a year old (plus the 3 or 4 months ive had them. thanks...
  11. B

    doe is not getting pregnant.

    When i try to upload the jpg it says failed to open selected file not sure whats wrong.
  12. B

    doe is not getting pregnant.

    Thanks mama sheepdog. I will check the feed when i get home and will take note of the three strike rule but i cant get either doe to concieve so i would hate to have two bad breeders. Just wanna make sure i have all my ducks in a row before i start blaming the bunnies.
  13. B

    doe is not getting pregnant.

    Thanks for all the interest and information. I am not home right now so i cant post pics but i will and i dont know about my new buck having split penis but i have had litters from the other one so i dont think he has that problem but still nothing. Will post back with pics in a few hours thanks...
  14. B

    doe is not getting pregnant.

    The does do not seem overweight i give them about 10 oz of 20% pellets with all the hay they want (bermuda). I have another buck that ive tried with them also. And i know he is fertile. In the past 2 months the temp has been from 20°F to 60° F. They have nice shleters and stay dry. And my...
  15. B

    doe is not getting pregnant.

    Hello rabbit caretakers, Im a beginner trying my hand at raising meat rabbits. I got two NZ does and a californian buck. I have had these rabbits for a few months now and have been trying to breed them but i have no success. The rabbits are healthy, they seem happy, the doe will lift for...