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  1. Interesting Kits

    Interesting Kits

    Our chinchilla Flemish Giant doe and Californian buck produced these surprise "Dutch"-looking kits. The chinchilla and white one on the right has blue eyes! <!-- s:-D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":-D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:-D -->
  2. Qortni

    New to Genetics - Chinchilla or Steel?

    Thank you, Dood and Zass! You rock. :up:
  3. Qortni

    New to Genetics - Chinchilla or Steel?

    I don't think that Boots has had any chestnut kits, but in the photo I posted near the top, there's a kit who has a brown tinge to its silvery chinchilla coloring that's the closest to chestnut that she's ever had. Boots has only had two litters so far. Below is her very first litter, as a...
  4. Qortni

    New to Genetics - Chinchilla or Steel?

    Hi, Dood! Thanks so much for your response and help! Indeed, Boots has had non-steel kits. She just had her first blue, and there are California looking babies, and some REWs. I'm new to genetic codes, but I read that the "Vv" genes can cause kits that will look like Dutch rabbits, but are...
  5. Qortni

    New to Genetics - Chinchilla or Steel?

    Yeah, the lack of ring coloring is what's throwing me off, too. I tried the blowing method, but Koala was not having it. I had to fool him into thinking he was being pet, and parting his fur was the best I could do. Maybe a re-do is in order.
  6. Qortni

    New to Genetics - Chinchilla or Steel?

    Neato! Thank you for helping me understand the differences. Koala's ears seem dark inside. Here's another pic:
  7. Qortni

    New to Genetics - Chinchilla or Steel?

    Of course! And I really appreciate your help. :-D Here are pictures of Ushi's and Koala's bellies. Ushi's is way more like the rest of her coat, and Koala's is silvery white.
  8. Qortni

    New to Genetics - Chinchilla or Steel?

    Ah ha! Yes, Ushi and Koala have much lighter color bellies (silvery white), but Boots' is black. Thank you, Zass!
  9. Qortni

    New to Genetics - Chinchilla or Steel?

    Hello, everyone! My husband and I have been raising meat rabbits for just about a year now, and we're starting to play around with genetics. We have no intention to show, but we'd like to breed for the chinchilla or steel looking pelt. I'm having a difficult time understanding how to determine...
  10. Koala


    Our buck, Koala, nudges for head and shoulder scratches. I'm just starting to understand coats and genetics, and we're leaning toward "steel". Any input is welcome!
  11. Boots' Kits - 2nd Litter

    Boots' Kits - 2nd Litter

    I'm just learning about rabbit genetics and genetic codes. This is the second litter from our California buck, and I'm still trying to determine what our doe is. She's mostly black with chinchilla-like areas, and she's throwing REWs, other light and dark chinchilla-looking kits, and for the first ti
  12. Qortni


  13. Dutch Surprise?

    Dutch Surprise?

    Our California buck and Chinchilla Flemish Giant doe produced these Dutch-looking kits. Both have the typical break in color midway around their body. Does this have to do with the "du" gene, or "Vv"? or is there something else going on?
  14. Boots


    This is our dam, Boots. The people we purchased her from said she was a Flemish Giant mix, but what is her coat called? Any help would be much appreciated.