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  1. B

    Common problem this month

    Its the evening of day 37 here for my little mini lop! Fingers crossed for all the does who are having trouble at the moment! :( x
  2. B

    Doe 34 Days Pregnant, No baby buns, no nesting...

    Ahh thank you. She has had her daily treat of dandelions and I've given her some lavender now. Unfortunately I don't have any raspberry leaf and not sure where I can get the other things that have been doe still seems quite happy in herself though and kits are still kicking so...
  3. B

    Doe 34 Days Pregnant, No baby buns, no nesting...

    Ahh thank you for your reassurance! I had read a lot online about kits being still born if they go beyond 33 days so I was quite worried but this afternoon I've seen them kicking around! They're all of a sudden very active in there! :) I really hope you get some luck with yours soon! I will...
  4. B

    Doe 34 Days Pregnant, No baby buns, no nesting...

    Wow I'm having the sane problem! It's my mini lop's first litter and she's now on day 34. She built a nest in the early hours of yesterday morning and pulled a little fur but has done nothing since. She has also changed the area that she goes to the toilet so that its well away from the nest...