Thanks so much for the suggestions! I've been cleaning out the box and putting new straw in every couple of days. Kits will be 4 weeks on Sunday, so out it goes! :)
I counted 10 when I was home for my lunch break. They were all snug and warm with full bellies. I'll definitely have to take pics tonight. I've got 9 other babies that will be 4 weeks on Sunday. Cute little puffs of fur! haha
After struggling all summer to get my rabbits situated, I finally got kits last night! YAY! I'm pretty new to all this, so this is only my 3rd litter so far. I'm so excited! New Zealand Doe and a Californian/New Zealand/Silver Fox Buck. :pancake:
I've got some does with babies that will be 3 weeks on Sunday. These are the first litters that I've had using removable next boxes. Before I've always had them in a hutch with a back portion used for a next box. Just wondering when I take the next boxes out? All of the babies are going in...