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  1. B

    Drooling Rabbit

    Well, I believe I caught the problem early, since he is still acting normal in all other respects.... I picked up the prescription today, it cost $14, so not bad. We will see how he does, I will let you all know. Although I do like my rabbit a great deal, his purpose is not really for a 'pet'...
  2. B

    Drooling Rabbit

    Anyone used antibiotics on a rabbit tooth abscess before? My FG buck is drooling. Otherwise seems perfectly healthy...eating, pooping, drinking normal. He is my favorite bun!!! Vet checked him today (no charge) and his front teeth are good, no visible spurs on the molars, but the vet was able...
  3. B

    Matted fur on forelegs....

    I know this is an old thread, but I have been searching the site for information on drooling rabbits and found this. How is your drooling bunny? Does he still drool or did you find out the issue and resolve it?