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  1. Jonis58

    best auto watering system

    i'm in the middle of building myself a auto system to.. i've heard only bad things about stainless nipples. if they were american made i would trust them. but i could only find ones from China and the reviews were not good(rusting, leaking, ect..) i got 10 *brass nipples with mounting backets...
  2. Jonis58

    attack of the killer rabbits

    your lucky you got away with your life, these guys weren't so lucky
  3. Jonis58

    Neglected doe

    Thanks for all the great advice! I will move her farther away and put up a barrier between the two.
  4. Jonis58

    Neglected doe

    thanks for allt he fast responses!! when i say put them togwether i mean next to the buck in a separate cage.. cages apart by about an inch. so not quarantined, but not touching or sharing food/water bottles. She doesn't show signs of being sick. no diahrea or running nose or anything liek...
  5. Jonis58

    Neglected doe

    Hi, i am new to the whole rabbit breading thing. i was having a hard time finding a doe for my buck, there were some for 30$ which i though was ridiculous.. but i figured these people must know what they are doing to have the gull to charge that much.. anyway long story short i broke down and...