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  1. C

    First litter this go-around!

    MamaSheepdog: Right now, they are looking like castors. Will be interesting to see them in a few weeks. All are doing great :D
  2. C

    First litter this go-around!

    Thanks! I tried to add picture earlier but was in a hurry. Will try to work on it soon :)
  3. C

    First litter this go-around!

    We've been back in rabbits since January and have been building the herd. We are just starting to get the litters coming. These are rex/creme cross. (Our rex buck wasn't old enough yet) So excited! She's doing great and has 8!! :D
  4. C

    Hi from Oklahoma. Why did you start raising meat rabbits

    We are like a lot of you. We raise them for a little of everything; it's a way of life, our own meat source, to know where our food is coming from and for health reasons. My husband had 3 stents put in his heart in Nov. At 45, was a shock to say the least. We now don't eat beef and have changed...
  5. C

    Has she just "bloomed"

    Thanks to you both for your replies!!
  6. C

    Has she just "bloomed"

    We bought a Creme d'Argent, 5 month old doe on March 2. She looked nice and healthy when we got her. We weighed her the next day and she weighed 6# 7oz. We thought she looked like she was gaining weight so on 3/21 we weighed her and she was 7#6oz. She was supposed to be an open doe. We didn't...
  7. C

    A little about me and mine

    Beautiful work and beautiful birds!! From Alaska to Hawaii??!! Wow, what a change.