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  1. L

    help to find good floor for bunny shed

    Haha! I hear you there! I wish we could just let it have free run of the property! To many dogs and cats live nearby , including my dog and cat indoors! I dont know how they would do with it! My dog does well with small critters, cat not somuch! So i guess this will be next best thing. We r...
  2. L

    help to find good floor for bunny shed

    Wow! Thank you to everyone!:) I have never been on forum before, and had no idea how it worked so im sorry for the book last night, lol! :) I searched the term colony rabbit and its exactly what i needed! Thank you thank you thank you! So i think concrete floor with slope in floor is the way to...
  3. L

    help to find good floor for bunny shed

    Thank you! So it is called a colony to do it that way? Ill search that. I have seached alot to figure it out, i just seem to find so much controversy with each option, where one site says this is best, another says the same thing can kill your bunny! Im just trying to figure the best option for...
  4. L

    Hello all! *again*

    Wonderful, someone still stiring on here?
  5. L

    so proud...the kid is preaching it!!!

    I wondered if any one would mind giving advice even though this is wrong topic? Its just, no onea up or online in my topic of interest.
  6. L

    The new rabbit shed is finished!

    Hey there! I just joined this and am not sure how fast u can get response but i need help! We are making a bunny shed to, but we would like to let bunny have the whole shed to live in without a cage or hutch. We havent got bunny yet, iv been reading about bunnys a-z for a week and have a plan...
  7. L

    help to find good floor for bunny shed

    Hey there, wondering if there may be a rabbit pro out there that could help me. I have beem waiting years to get a pet rabbit, waiting till my little girl was old and responsible enough to enjoy. she is ready i think and so am i, but haventrabbits since i was a kid lol! I have spent a week...