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  1. S

    Need to reconsider feeding regime

    I think the Timothy Hay suggestion was a good one. Timothy is low in protein and high in fibre. Hollands are a high maint. breed. I know. I have them too. I've had some pretty sound kits on oatmeal too. Not cooked. Just feed the flakes. I have no idea or suggesting on why your kits are having...
  2. S

    Tree cuttings

    Thank You Farm Girl. I'm still reading posts and having fun being here.
  3. S

    Disqualification question

    Each of the 45 breeds has a breed standard and a 100 point system they are judged upon. There are DQ's for things like mis matched toenails on dark rabbits. White rabbits can have white toe nails. Mis matched seems to be from mixing brokens and solid. Some solids born in the future have mis...
  4. S

    two young boys - holland lops

    How old are these rabbits? With Hollands the best time to tell what they may look like is 4 weeks or 3 months. Somewhere in between they get the so called "uglies". Where they still are cute. But every body part grows fast and not at a even rate. Such as top of head may grow farster than bottom...
  5. S

    Silver Marten - Otter

    The way it was explained to me not getting into the "C" color gene- chin. and the "AT" color gene- otter to much. Topic and study goes on forever with the genotype and phenotype color rules. A agouti or otter will have fawn or orange ticking, diamond on the back, and "V" on the nose. A Chin or...
  6. S

    Need help developing my natural feeding amounts/etc.

    Alfalfa hay is higher in protein- low in fibre. And Timothy hay is higher in fibre- low in protein. Each hay has it's feed benefits. Some feed Timothy to reduce fat and some feed Alfalfa for rapid WT gain. Fibre is good to prevent fur block. Alfalfa gets interesting to learn about. There is...
  7. S

    Tree cuttings

    Elderberry is toxic as far as leaves, branches and the fruit. All is too high in alkoloids. Elderberry Jam is good to make. It cooks down the PH level and is very healthy to eat. I use vinigar and sugar with berries. Cook it and can it. It's sort of like a Raspberry jam taste when done. What is...