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  1. A

    Castrating rabbits????

    I did alot of research on fixing rabbits with rubber bands. I did all five of my male rabbits with the rubber band method. non of them screamed or squirmed and they didnt even seemed to be bothred by it when i put htem back in there pen. they kept hoping along doing there business and didnt seem...
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    I am so confused!

    Thankes everyone! great advice. the babies have been seprated from there mom for about a week now, and they are happy. they do see there mom once a day still but i am starting to make it g longer and longer and in a few days they wont need there mom anymore
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    My rabbit and bird are best friends!

    hehehe yes my bird grooms my rabbit :-) my rabbit doesent like it when he tries to groom his ears or near his eyes lol! seroulsy i have just put my bird cage in the shed because my bird never used it. i moved him in with my rabbit and they are just so happy togehr
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    I am so confused!

    Thanks everyone, I am going start letting them visit there mother only once a day starting tommrow, then will go a few days and see how there doing. then after that i will start seprating them in there own cages gradually. i will put two in each cage then after a few days or so will have them in...
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    I am so confused!

    I am so confused as to win my rabbits can leave there mother. They are almost 5 weeks and i was going to get them adopted out at 5 weeks. the mother rabbit will be having a litter at the end feburary. They are eating on there own and drinking on there own and eatnig pellets. I have sperated them...
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    baby bunnies are peeing on one another...

    ohhh wonderful! what great ideas about trimming the hair and the attachge box thanks you guys! and i handle them everyday :-D you guys are all great and giving me my own ideas and making sure there clean and trimmed and such thanks so much
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    Is she pregnant?

    awsome thanks so much
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    New idea for a rabbit colony.

    ewwww i hate flies also.
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    Is she pregnant?

    My doe had kits 2 weeks ago, I put her in with my male rabbit to breed her again, and they ummm went right at it... i left her in there for about an hour, they both were going crazy over eachother. i took her out of his cage and put her back with her babys, then two days later i put her back in...
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    New idea for a rabbit colony.

    I know this sounds weired, but one time during the summer i didnt clean my rabbit cage for 4 days, and my rabbits ae inside my house! i had maggots too! i was just so suprised scince my rabbit lives in my living room! it was so gross ewwwww. I am not sure if you can use it for rabbits or not, i...
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    baby bunnies are peeing on one another...

    ohhh thats great advice! thanks ann! i will remeber this wiith my next litter! i think his eye is going to be ok. it looks like the eye lide just got screacthed a bit
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    When can I breed again?

    how do u tattoo a rabbit?
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    When can I breed again?

    that brings up another issue, how do you wean babys i know there are sevreal ways to do it, some remove the babys one by one, or some remove mama rabbit for an hour one day then two hours the next day and so on and so fourth.. how do you all personally wean your rabbits?
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    When can I breed again?

    yup if they get left they will be meat for my house hold :-D
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    When can I breed again?

    My rabbit is a wonderful mother and nice and healthy and i have my rabbits living inside so there nice and warm, she is nice and round and plumbed and lots of energy and she does wonderful with her babys, i wanted to wean them at 6=8 weeks. it all depends on how each rabbit is doing because they...
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    baby bunnies are peeing on one another...

    my rabbit cage is bordered with carboard on the sides so there is no holes for them to fall out of.<br /><br />__________ Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:01 pm __________<br /><br />ohhh also, i have seen the mom jump in the nesting box and stepped on her babys, they didnt get hurt at all, she has done it a...
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    baby bunnies are peeing on one another...

    My rabbits are inside, they live in my living room scince i am just starting out and have my first litter, its not the mom that is peeing on them, when she nurses them she cleans them everytime i wacth her do it, they also keep falling out of the nest box and i keep having to put them back in...
  18. A

    When can I breed again?

    My mama rabbit had a littler of rabbits 9 days ago, i have read i can breed her when the babys are 5 weeks old, some say right away, some say 6 months.. when can i breed her again so i can plan ahead. :bunnyhop:
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    baby bunnies are peeing on one another...

    i just had my first litter of rabbits, they are 8 days old, i have noticed just yesterday all of them keep getting soaked with pee.... what can i do to make it so they dont keep getting wet like that, they are inside but im afraid there going to get eachother sick! :bunnyhop:
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    This is gunna be hard..........

    I totaly understand the vet thing, my rabbit had an injury to his back, i think he did it while playing, and his back legs got paralized and i waas going to see if it would correct itself and waited two weeks then killed him because he was not going to get any better and i waas not going to...