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  1. S

    help with a struggling baby?

    champ passed away a few min ago he died peacefully in his sleep. At least i now have better knowledge on baby bunnies maybe i can better assist if this ever happens in the future.
  2. S

    help with a struggling baby?

    it sure is. does anyone know how i can fix it without all the drugs and vet bills???? __________ Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:48 pm __________ google says you can get it from a neck sprain and my husband says he jumped out of the nesting box earlier. any suggestions? __________ Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:48...
  3. S

    help with a struggling baby?

    not sure whats wrong with him his neck is twisted over to the side funny and everytime i prop it up he twists it back over again is there someone i can email a picture to to get some advice on this???? im concerned he may be hurt or somthing
  4. S

    help with a struggling baby?

    i am going to try giving him a frop of infants advil in his formula tonight to help aleveate some of the pain its bothering him so much he is twisting his neck off to the side of his head and truninr over and over. ill feed him and post in 4 or 5 hours on how he is doing. thanks again for the...
  5. S

    help with a struggling baby?

    how do i get the eye open just by cleaning it??<br /><br />__________ Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:15 pm __________<br /><br />there is no crusty stuff they just look swollen and they are not open yet
  6. S

    help with a struggling baby?

    I THINK I MIGHT HAVE AN ISSUE!!!!!!! his eyes ar not opening and it looks like they might be growing closed.... is that even possible! what do i do
  7. S

    help with a struggling baby?

    Still got champ this morning and he is doing particularly well today with the hot weather here and the change in food he is doing awsome. for future refrence to anyone rearing babies i mixed up some kmr kitten milk replacer a little thicker than usuall and then put in some breast milk (my own)...
  8. S

    help with a struggling baby?

    lol i did not know that :P ill keep it in mind if i ever get a sinus infection or pink eye lol miss m how do i feed my buuny his moms fecies obviouslt its not soft what do i do to make sure he is getting the proper nutrients he needs?<br /><br />__________ Fri Aug 17, 2012 11:47 am __________<br...
  9. S

    help with a struggling baby?

    my baby is still hanging in there he is a little fighter and a little champion i am so proud of him even if he doesnt make it i am glad he made it this far. his eye is open today he is still not doing to god but he is still alive
  10. S

    help with a struggling baby?

    thank you to everyone for all your help we had a bit of a rough day but i gave him some infacol infant gas drops and have been massaging his belly alot which he really seems to enjoy i am concerned about giving him his mothers fecies because the vet was really specific that it should be her...
  11. S

    help with a struggling baby?

    whei will for sure. i have already had him for 4 days and he just keeps on fighting even if he doesnt make it he is going to go out of this big world fighting. where would i find the probiotic paste?
  12. S

    help with a struggling baby?

    thanks for the recipie i will try it i noticed he had passed some really smelly gas and i know this can be associated with bloat i gave him some infacol drops and he seems to have perked up a bit... hoping he will hang in there he sure is a little fighter
  13. S

    help with a struggling baby?

    if i feed him more often do you think it would help right now he is eating twice a day but if it will help ill feed him more often. is there anything other than the kmr i can provide for extra nourishment?<br /><br />__________ Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:53 pm __________<br /><br />ok weird question...
  14. S

    help with a struggling baby?

    i have been formula feeding him for 4 days now i had 3 and the other two passed i got the mom a few weeks ago and i didnt know she was pregnant already so i didnt give her a nesting box with no where to go she abandoned her litter or 6 3 died the first 4 days so i took the other 3 and now this...
  15. S

    help with a struggling baby?

    i have a domestic baby lionhead cross it is 8 days old we call him champ he was doing good until this morn when he stopped breathing twice and went into an almost rigamortis like state i cupped my hands and blew into them and rubbed his back and belly until he started breathing again but i dont...