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  1. uhurubuns

    How to 'flip' a doe?

    All I have is Quaker Quick Oats. Does it make a difference?
  2. uhurubuns

    Discussion about breeding animals (Split from another thread)

    Wow, me too sky! I am so sorry, seriously I didn't mean it personally and didn't mean to offend. Guess I should think a little more before I type. What a nightmare you've been going through lately! I've had major health collapses and been homeless before, you have my deepest sympathies, I...
  3. uhurubuns

    How to 'flip' a doe?

    Today when I checked the babies they had some in their bellies, so I think she's feeding them now. As Piper said, maybe she just needed to get the idea. They're still not as full as my kits usually are, but they're plenty warm and starting to do that little jumping bean routine. Now I have a...
  4. uhurubuns

    Discussion about breeding animals (Split from another thread)

    I know, yes. Things like Spot or Blue won't fly, and that's not the breeder's fault. Its the way the registries are set up. It started with rich Victorians a hundred and fifty years ago, and now everyone has to do it. Can you imagine somebody trying to show a dog named Blue at Westminster...
  5. uhurubuns

    Discussion about breeding animals (Split from another thread)

    Sabian's Phoenix Rising V Lea Rae?????? ha ha ha ha ha haha! rotflmao :laugh2: The names! Those stupid, ridiculous, ten-word-long names!
  6. uhurubuns

    Another "real story" quest (or dumb question, LOL)

    Out comes the handy-dandy Rabbit Production, 8th Edition. McNitt/Patton/Lukefahr/Cheeke, authors- all professors at ag colleges. Family Leporidae Genera, # species, where, what, Sylvilagus, 13, North America, South America, brush rabbit, swamp...
  7. uhurubuns

    How to 'flip' a doe?

    Thanks for the info everyone. I tried it; I laid her on my lap with her head out by my knees so I could stroke her whole head. She tranced just fine. But when I put the babies on her belly, they rooted around desperately, found a teat and latched on, sucked desperately for a minute, then let go...
  8. uhurubuns

    How to 'flip' a doe?

    For the first time ever, I have had a doe kindle and I don't think she's feeding the babies. That'll teach me, not to keep the daughter from the show-perfect doe, and keep the daughter from the good-mother doe instead. I have heard people here, speak of 'flipping the doe to let the kits nurse'...
  9. uhurubuns

    Netherland Dwarfs

    bigbrologan- There's a couple rabbitries on craigslist going out of business, have you seen them? One in Kent with Netherland Dwarfs; and one in Eatonville with Holland Lop, Mini Rex and various equipment.
  10. uhurubuns

    What color is this bunny

    squidpop- It can be hard to tell with digital pictures. I've noticed digital cameras tend to impart colors to images that aren't there in real life. A pic taken out in direct sunlight might work better. When I first glanced at it, it was 'oh I think that's blue'. But when I looked at it...
  11. uhurubuns

    URGENT: Rabbit's Health at Risk

    Clotrimazole is pretty safe stuff, they use it for yeast infections in pregnant women and to treat mouth thrush in babies. My dog licks it off when I put it on for her summer fungus, and doesn't appear to be negatively affected by it. Remember they tested all this stuff on our bunnies before...
  12. uhurubuns

    Carrying Rew Gene

    The solid black is definitely carrying REW from her dam. The solid blue has a 50/50 chance of carrying REW from the grandparent. If he is carrying it, you'll get plenty of REW, on average around a quarter of the kits. If he isn't carrying it, you'll get none at all; but half the kits will...
  13. uhurubuns

    URGENT: Rabbit's Health at Risk

    Don't worry, based on what I see he'll be okay till tomorrow. See the sort of ring or circle shapes in it? That is a very common growth pattern of fungus. Fur mites usually leave a much more ragged edge. I have no issues whatever with using chemicals on my rabbits, so I use some things that...
  14. uhurubuns

    Silver Fox Rabbits

    Just looking at the picture, I believe that is a Silver. They originated in France hundreds of years ago, and are one of the handful of breeds that usually gets mentioned when folks are debating which breed is the oldest. They aren't particularly common. Very pretty. The way to tell is the lay...
  15. uhurubuns

    I want bunnies from Canada to Michigan

    I am uncertain, but perhaps the Border Agent can be of help? Figure out which border 'point of entry' it would be and give them a call. Perhaps the seller could bring them to the door on the Canada side of the station, and the agent could bring them to the door on the American side? An awful lot...
  16. uhurubuns

    Possible health concern

    After a week I would expect the symptoms to subside. As skysthelimit mentioned, there are some nasties that go beyond mere hayfever. I nearly died from a thing called 'bird fancier's disease' because it took the docs over a year and a half to figure out what was wrong. You know how some people...
  17. uhurubuns

    Open or closed farm questions

    I think the biggest reason is to prevent animal rights zealots from sizing up your place for a raid.
  18. uhurubuns

    Attention Enable-ers

    If you can't buy even the wire it takes for that much, and you are fairly sure you will need the cage space for future buns, well there's your justification right there! You will be saving money in the long run if you buy it!
  19. uhurubuns

    question regarding scattered white hairs

    This is a question I have had too. In the reading I've done on it, it seems that whether it goes away, stays the same or gets worse depends on which gene is causing it. And there are multiple genes that can cause it. One is vienna(v), another is silvering(si); apparently steel(ES) can cause it...
  20. uhurubuns

    Rabbit Feed Choices....

    I feed Country Acres basic rabbit formula, 16% protein. Not a clue what's in it, the ingredient list goes, "grain by-products, forage products, roughage products, grain products, plant protein products, molasses products", followed by the chemical names of all the vitamins and minerals in it...