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  1. H

    Rabbits and Chickens

    I had originally planned to set mine up like Salatin's, with raised rabbit cages above the chicken run area, but ended up changing my mind for a couple of reasons. One, I don't really like having to go into the chicken run all the time, especially when the weather is bad. I know that if I...
  2. H

    How soon to tell if breeding took?

    Good to know...I'll check again in another week. Could be the heat, could be the buck next door who is now very, very aware of his manhood...
  3. H

    How soon to tell if breeding took?

    I decided to try out my buck last week...he was more than willing, but the girls didn't seem interested and I didn't think anything had connected. However, this week the does were both really cranky and seem more swollen in the belly than I'm used to. How soon can you tell? If they got...
  4. H

    Leaky Water Valves

    If you have really hard water, that could definitely cause problems. I'm waiting for all the parts to arrive to build an auto-system of my own, so if you have any tips I'm all ears!
  5. H

    Forcing/Encouraging Buns to breed/tie/do the deed...

    I'm a student midwife (for humans, I know almost nothing about rabbits!), and we recommend raspberry leaf tea to all our clients as a uterine tonic.
  6. H

    Best age for first breeding?

    What would be signs of readiness, or is it just weight?
  7. H

    Best age for first breeding?

    I'm totally new to rabbits, so I want to make sure I do it right! I was going to breed my doe (NZW) and my buck (Cali) in June, when she will be six months and he six and a half. The other doe (FG/NZ cross) will still be just five months old, so I need to wait on her for a while. Does that...
  8. H

    thoughts or experiences with flemish giants or FG crosses

    I'm just getting started with the meat rabbits, but I have a doe who is half FG and half NZ, and she is my favorite so far in terms of temperament and looks - much more mellow than my pure NZ doe. When she is old enough I'll be breeding her to a Californian buck and I'm hoping for great babies!