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  1. Cloud 9

    Young holland lop possible pregnancy?

    Thank you! Yes I stopped giving them free roam time together about a week ago as I was noticing our buck wouldn’t leave her alone and she seemed annoyed. I’ll start my countdown based on that then! I think I’ll just rotate their free time individually instead of together to eliminate any...
  2. Cloud 9

    Young holland lop possible pregnancy?

    I have a 5 month old holland lop buck and an almost 4 month old harlequin doe. I brought her home at 12 weeks with the intent to breed her and my buck at 6 months. When I first brought her home our buck managed to get into her exercise pen(he had never jumped his before, he’s in a taller one...
  3. Cloud 9

    Meet Pepper & Ollie

    Hi everyone! It’s been so fun(and helpful) reading the different threads on here and I’m excited to be a part of the rabbit community. I currently have two holland lops, Pepper and Ollie. I grew up having bunnies outside on the farm but this is my first time having indoor bunnies! The goal is to...