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  1. S

    Mystery harlequin - please help! Puzzled!

    I dont have pictures of all of them, but these were some of her litter mates as babies.
  2. S

    Mystery harlequin - please help! Puzzled!

    Also to address the above, I copied and pasted a lot from the original post on my phone and had left out blue. We have had a lot of blue Japanese babies. I edited it to fix the mistake!
  3. S

    Mystery harlequin - please help! Puzzled!

    This is mom. Dad passed away unexpectedly a couple months back when his enclosure was crushed by a tree during a storm, and I am trying to find more recent pictures of him where me or one of my kids aren't holding him.
  4. S

    Mystery harlequin - please help! Puzzled!

    Hello! I joined the forum because I breed harlequins and got a baby in a litter last year that makes absolutely no sense concerning my knowledge of rabbit genetics. We know the parent's lineage is correct on her pedigree and the color she is makes absolutely no sense! Her dad is our black...
  5. S


    Hey all! I am a longtime hobby rabbit breeder. I used to breed Flemish Giants and Standard Rex for show, and now I have a small herd of very spoiled Harlequins - one black Japanese buck, two lilac Japanese does, and a mystery freak baby (more on this). I am exploring breeding some type of Angora...