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  1. missmuffetn3

    Head Tilt

    Is the google info on Wry neck beneficial or is there a specific source I should go to learn more about it? She threw beautiful kits and was a great momma. Now with her spontaneous rolling I’m not sure I should breed her any more.
  2. missmuffetn3

    Head Tilt

    Hello. My NZ developed head tilt. I waited about 10 days before taking her to the vet. I got steroids and antibiotics for her. She is clearly feeling better but I cannot get her to turn her head back to the normal position. Has anyone else had a rabbit with head tilt? If so, what did you do...
  3. missmuffetn3

    Hello. I am new to rabbit talk.

    My name is Sheri. I live in Western Kentucky. I have New Zealand, Silver Fox and Rex rabbits. I am looking forward to learning from all of you.