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  1. maize&soy

    Feeding Animals Grain, vs hay, produce, morality?

    Don't apologize for being blunt or curt - honestly, I didn't get that impression at all. I'm not very easy to offend. :) We disagree, and that's OK. No hurt feelings incurred on my end. I'd love if you could post sources when you have the time; I am always open to learning something new, and...
  2. maize&soy

    Feeding Animals Grain, vs hay, produce, morality?

    Oh no, don't get me wrong, I certainly don't think preformed vitamin A is bad - I just disagreed that plant foods are not a good source of vitamin A due to their limited conversion. Just felt that it was too much of a generalization, and a little bit misleading (though not intentionally so, I'm...
  3. maize&soy

    Rabbit newb, here to lurk and learn.

    Heya, I'm a weirdo from Canada, hoping to glean as much information as possible from this forum before hopefully jumping into rabbits in the next year or two. Got a cat that's allergic to common protein sources (chicken, fish, soy, pork, turkey) and it seems that the only way to affordably feed...
  4. maize&soy

    Feeding Animals Grain, vs hay, produce, morality?

    I just want to say that even though vegetables contain carotenoids and not actual, preformed vitamin A, it's not really accurate to imply this means they're a bad source of vitamin A. For example, two medium sweet potatoes contain 34,527 ug of beta carotene. If your body converts just 2% of that...