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  1. H

    My rabbits' eating her own droppings-

    They eat their poop as part of the digestive process. The soft poops they eat are called cecotropes. When the poop goes through the cecum the nutrients are broken down to get products the rabbit needs. They have to eat these to get the nutrition. So it is sort of like a cow having a second...
  2. H

    New to this

    Yes you are fine and congratulations. The first time can be tricky but each time it gets easier. My first time I butchered 14 rabbits and it took me 5 hours! I am much quicker now.
  3. H

    Feeding Animals Grain, vs hay, produce, morality?

    I am very impressed by this discussion. It is so nice to see respectful discussion online.
  4. H

    More coming?

    One of mine seems to hold back. I’ll count then the next day there is usually one more.
  5. H


    Hi, my name is Lori and my family has been raising American Chinchilla rabbits on our homestead for meat. We recently processed our first set of grow outs. My younger two children help out with the animals a lot. We also gave chickens and a garden. I am a dental hygienist and work full time as...