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  1. maisaksson

    Animal For Sale Culling hard is hard; bunnies seeking employment

    I raise American Blues and Whites. I just culled four bucks from the buck run. They were so strong and healthy, and a few of them were beauties. Now on to the does. Some of these American Blues are show quality but I really have to pare down. Anybody interested in American Blues, 6 months old...
  2. maisaksson

    Chicken recipe that works great with rabbit meat

    I made this with cut up rabbit a la buttermeats in the crockpot and it turned out great. I didn't have any sherry wine so I used half/half sherry vinegar/water. I also didn't have any paprika or Tabasco so I left them both out out and subbed cayenne. Imperial Chicken 2 broilers halved/pieces...
  3. maisaksson

    Butter Meats

    This is a technique from the keto world that works great for rabbit meat. It's done in the crock pot. You put half a stick of butter on the bottom, then your meat, sprinkle seasoning, then the other half of the stick of butter, cover and cook on low for 6 - 8 hours. When it's done, break up the...
  4. maisaksson

    Butter Rabbit

    I just made this butter chicken recipe with boned out rabbit meat and it was delish! I left out the cashews. Ingredients For the Chicken 1 ½ pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs ½ cup full fat Greek yogurt 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 2 teaspoons minced ginger 3 garlic cloves minced 1...
  5. maisaksson

    question about skin color

    Is there a correlation between skin color and coat color? I've recently done some culling and butchering and observed that some of my blue rabbits had a mottled skin color. I didn't take pictures unfortunately but I'm referring to skin that, if it were a coat of fur, would appear to be a...