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  1. J

    Rabbit Liver

    How long is rabbit liver good for in the fridge? We butchered Saturday morning, it’s now Tuesday, 3 days later and I forgot to dry my liver. Will it still be good? I usually only let it go two days max.
  2. J

    What is this colour called?

    So we have Californian, Flemish Giant/NZ cross and New Zealand rabbits. Anytime we have had litters they have always been pure white, pure black, black with Vienna markings, black/grey/brown peppered (unsure if there’s a specific name for this) and Californian colouring. This time in breeding...
  3. J

    Fruit flies and Fodder

    Does anyone know how to prevent fruit flies from setting up colony in your fodder in late summer? Lol. I disposed of all my fodder at the end of summer because it was just a fruit fly magnet and would be clouds of them when I touched the fodder. I had to dispose and spend weeks catching fruit...
  4. J

    Max time?

    What’s the longest amount of time pieces of a rabbit carcass can stay in a fridge before turning to dog treats? We processed 3 days ago, then kids got really sick so didn’t get a chance to do anything with the bits. I’m going to slice and dehydrate the livers tonight, but the ears are still in...
  5. J

    WHY?! 😫

    We just had a doe kindle a litter of 12. One died OTW. Anyway, last night, they’re 3 days old, the doe ate ALL the hay out of the nest, scattering the remaining 11 babies everywhere without warmth in the night, killing them. WHY? I don’t get it. She is well fed, we’ve upped her feed for winter...
  6. J

    Renting Rabbits to Photographer

    Strange question... Has anyone ever rented out their small bunnies to photographers for Easter photos? If so, what did you charge?
  7. J

    Fostering and marking

    So we just had two litters born two days apart. One with 8 kits and healthy. One with only two kits, which is strange because it’s only the does second litter and the first one went without a hitch. Anyway, one of the two died. The other is still alive. Even though they are 4 days and 2 days...
  8. J


    Could someone please point me in the direction of the thread that had natural ways to help make a doe receptive? I searched and can’t find it. Also, this doe that was not at all receptive, after some time, the buck finally got one fall off. What is the time frame, like number of hours, to try...
  9. J


    How long do you cook rabbit jerky in the oven? Obviously until it’s dry and done and that varies, LOL, but whats the ballpark park of hours for belly flaps you didn’t cut smaller? I’m only seeing recipes that cut them up online and so time would be shorter. Cooking at 225/250f.
  10. J

    Rabbit ears...

    We were not prepared for how much work the processing of litters was. Anyway, I have a bunch of rabbit ears I planned to dry for dog treats. I haven’t had a chance to wash and dry them, so they’ve been in the fridge for 5 days. Are they still good to dry? Or should I wait til the next time...
  11. J

    resting meat

    So it’s been 48 hours since processing the rabbits, I was going to cut them up to freeze tonight but the hips and back still seem pretty stiff, but the front legs and knees move fine. I’m wondering how do we know when rigor mortis is fully passed? Will it be completely limp or will it have some...
  12. J

    TWO penises?!

    So, we did our first ever processing today and one of the bucks in one of the litters had two penises! Now, I’ve heard of hypospadia/split penis, but this was not one penis that was split, it was two completely separate ones. Can a split be this bad it makes two? 😂 or is this something else...
  13. J

    Growout amount

    Okay, I think I’m getting the hang of this fodder thing, hoping by the end of the month, my breeders will be fully on fodder (still using a few pellets as treats so their system is used to it in case anyone ever needs to feed the rabbits for us), but now I’m thinking ahead to our next litters...
  14. J

    Withholding food

    This just occurred to me... should we withhold food a certain number of hours before processing rabbits so their stomach and intestines are not full when gutting them? Like, I don’t know if they release their bowels and stuff instantly when they die?
  15. J

    First time processing...

    Okay, I’ve read multiple threads in here but I’m still confused on what to do. My husband will be handling the processing, after the rabbit is skinned and gutted, we planned to rinse it, toss it in a meat bin and put in the fridge until rigor mortis passes and then I’ll filet and freeze it...
  16. J


    Are some rabbits more prone to ear mites than others? Logically, I wouldn’t think so, because it doesnt have anything to do with the immune system, but an outside mite that just finds their ears. But my experience so far is interesting. I have two does in the same hutch (separated in their own...
  17. J

    Ivermectin and Ear mites

    I searched and I know there are multiple threads on this, but none answer my questions. Two of our rabbits have ear mites, but we plan to treat them all. I have a bottle of mineral oil that I bought for this purpose/preventative. Since they already have the mites and I can see in their ear is...
  18. J

    Quick, before it wilts!

    I just harvested some of my basil and oregano for the rabbits because it was about to go to seed. I’m going to dry it for the rabbits. Can I dry the stem and they will eat that too? Or should I be pulling the leaves off? Thanks!
  19. J

    Agitated Doe

    Has anyone experienced a doe getting agitated when weaning her kits? Last night I took half of them and put them in their grow out hutch and planned to take the other half in a couple days. This morning, she’s very alert and running in circles. This doe is usually super calm and collected. I’m...
  20. J

    Selling Manure, price?

    How much does rabbit manure typically go for when selling? New to this and want to make sure I don’t ask too much.