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  1. JAA

    Surprise this morning in the driveway

    My neighbour called this morning to say that a white rabbit was loose on our driveway in town. My wife and I ran outside quickly thinking that someone had broken into our garage during the night and let our NZW's out but that wasn't the case. There sat a REW mini rex. I opened the garage...
  2. JAA

    Cute little NZW

    My wife, her camera and kids came out to see/pet the 13 day old NZW litter tonight. I try to keep them out until the kits eyes are open so its nice and quiet in there. I took a few pics of them and the bunnies tonight. I've never posted a pic to the forum before and this one turned out great...
  3. JAA

    Should I keep her?

    I have a NZW doe who has failed to become pregnant 2 times now (never has been). She is 7.5 months old. I used the same NZW buck to breed her both times. He is proven. Is it worth trying to breed her 1 more time?