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  1. C

    Commercial Meat Rabbit Show Question

    My son entered his first "major" stock show junior rabbit show in San Angelo, Texas today. We took a Californian senior buck that we thought was pretty mediocre and a Californian senior doe we thought was pretty nice. Our buck placed 8th (out of 19), but our doe was pulled in the first round...
  2. C

    2 first time does

    I have 2 California does that are both first time breeders due in 6 days any one want to guess how many they will have.
  3. C


    This is my buck samson that I purchased from oneacrefarm last september.He is a very good boy and has been producing large litters of 9 to 12 kits each from 3 does and I have 5 does bred to him now. They will all kindle the first week of march. sorry i thought i had the pic attached to the...