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  1. Aurelian

    Babies have arrived!

    The first of my does, Miss Penny, has kindled. 6 kits, no stillborns. There is one runt which Im gonna have to keep a close eye on. I was surprised at the colors that have come from this pairing. Mom is a lilac tort and dad is a lilac point, but these babies look dark. Im excited to see what...
  2. Aurelian

    Watching the nest building antics

    As I type, I just spent 15 mins watching my two first time does build their nests. Despite being half-sisters, they are taking dramatically different approaches to it. Tina is meticulously gathering every scrap of hay and stuffing it in her nest box, carefully rearranging it until everything is...
  3. Aurelian


    Hi, I'm a new member to the forum. I raise English Angora rabbits and currently have three does a week out from kindling. My partner spins the wool we get from our buns. I built a custom 10'x10' shed to house my buns and they live in glorious air conditioning during the summer, just to keep...