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  1. MidwestRabbits2

    Broken hind leg at 10days

    There is one of our lilac otter kits with a broken leg. I am not sure what to do. It's body is stiff and it doesn't move. Breathing is labored and it's eyes seem rolled back in a way. I'm sure the little guy is in a lot of pain and suffering. It was out of the nest box on the wire. I have put...
  2. MidwestRabbits2

    3 moms, 25 babies

    Previously 27. Two deceased runts. 5 runts standing. I am open to suggestions, but this is whats being done. Four nesting boxes, three litters. The 5 largest or best fed take a 12 hour break. The runts were being rotated around. The runts were not getting fed for 2 days before we started moving...
  3. MidwestRabbits2

    Creme D'argent X Red Satin

    Here is a quick video of this bun! I will add some better pictures once he gets bigger.
  4. MidwestRabbits2

    Creme D'argent x Chocolate Otter Satin cross

    Hello all, I joined to post about this litter. I see some other members have some similar crosses. I think most of them are headed for freezer camp. There are five silvered chestnuts that came from a creme d'argent doe with a chocolate otter satin buck as the sire. There is also one kit that was...
  5. MidwestRabbits2

    New to this page and newish to rabbits

    We have been raising Satins for a little over a year now. Five does are due this week snd then we have a break for a while.