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  1. C

    Tail biting

    One of my does looks like she has a poodle tail. About .5 inch of he tail is bare of hair and iritated, still has a small poof of hair on the end of her tail. Anyideas what might be going on?
  2. C

    Animal Wanted American Chinchilla

    I live in Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, would like to find breedable American Chinchillas, 1 buck 2 does. They'd probably have to be shipped. The only VA breeders I know of are 5 hours away near coast, too far for me to drive. Thanks for any help.
  3. C


    Hi! I'm new to raising rabbits. I have a pedigreed Silver Fox buck and 2 does mixed New Zealand & Silver Fox. All rabbits are as new to this as I am and things just aren't foollowing the rule book,! Website does not like tablets! My bunnies refused to breed I thought. Buck humped everything...