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  1. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Another question for the elders

    Winter nesting boxes. I have 3 metal boxes and 2 wooden boxes. Two does are due to get nesting boxes next week. I currently have 3 does with 2 week old kits. 2 have wooden boxes, 1 has a metal box. The metal box doe has lost 2 kits in the last week. Both were in the nest pile. But touching the...
  2. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    It finally happened.

    I have read here many times how does will kindle later than their due date. I've only been at this 18 months. Every time it has turned out my doe wasnt bred. So I was like, "yeah sure". Then my Doe had 2 kits 1 day late. So from reading here I bred her a few days after kindling. She was due...
  3. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    How far can Bucks spray?

    I recently moved my rabbits to an indoor barn. Every day. The window looks sprayed. I clean it. Cime back later then by morning it is sprayed again.
  4. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Buck filling feed bowl with pee

    My buck is new to me. He is young. And in a,new environment. The last two mornings when I go out to feed & clean he has his feed bowl filled with pee. He moved the bowl to different corners. So today I gave him a different bowl. This is a temporary set up. So no J feeder. Any Ideas on the...
  5. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    1st time deboning

    I just finished deboning my first rabbit. It was messy, and nothing like the videos I watched. But I didn't cut myself. The end product was 2lbs. 12 oz. Of meat and 1 lb. of bone. But I didn't weigh the head, pelt or feet so I can't calculate bone to meat ratio. Now to try the canning part.
  6. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    What is the better option??

    I have a doe who had 12 kits. They are 2 weeks old today. One passed last night. One other is the smallest. AND my favorite. Should I pull 4 or 5 of the fat ones overnight? Or, is it too late to foster in another nest. The other doe has 7 kits that are 10 days old. All are bigger than my favorite.
  7. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Litter Data Questions

    I have meat mutts. So I'm wondering if the data is impacted by too many variations in my statistics. To begin with, only one buck has contributed to this data. (I ate the other buck because he wasn't cooperating with my plan.) Doe 1 - 1st litter 6 kits. Total weight at 8 weeks 24.4 lbs...
  8. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    6 week old tries to bite me.

    This young fella has tried to bite me on 3 separate occasions. Today while getting him weighed he was biting my sweatshirt. It seems to be his rebellion move instead of kicking and scratching. My intent is to keep him and use him as a breeder. Is there a proper response to this? I know how to...
  9. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Update on Curly Rex kit

    Some realizations I have regarding this bun. 1. He was out of the box shivering at 12 days old. 2. Lost most of his fur. Kept his hat and boots on. 3. Fat and furry at almost six weeks. So, I noticed his body temp. Is quite warm compared to the other buns. Could that be the reason for #1 & #2...
  10. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Beer Braised Rabbit

    This was good too. My son gave it a 10.
  11. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Runt getting naked

    This kit is losing fur. It will be 3 weeks tomorrow. Any suggestions on what's going on here. This is the litter with the surprise harlequin.
  12. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Honey crock pot rabbit with rice.

    Honey, mustard, curry, butter, salt and pepper. Easy and super good.
  13. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    12 day old kit outside the nest box

    This morning at 7 am when I went to feed the rabbits a baby was outside the nest box shivering. It was still only 48° outside. I put it back in the box in the middle of the kit pile to warm up. It was the runt, so I think it was clinging to mom when she left the box after feeding this morning...
  14. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Another Color Question

    So, this is my 2nd breeding with this doe. The first time she had 6 with a mix of black or white. This time she had 9. And one of them is 3 colors. The doe is black with some specks of white. The buck is a REW. He is huge. So, since I am new, to rabbits, I kind get breeds names mixed up with...
  15. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Fried Rabbit pictures

    Last night's dinner
  16. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Southwest Rabbit Show

    UPDATE: Incredible experience. Not many meat rabbits, but a whole bunch of beautiful animals to make you smile. Learned a whole lot. One rabbit in particular was the Apple of my eye. Turns out the owner just recently had her and a mate shipped in from OK. They were the only ones there. So of...
  17. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Rabbit tortilla soup

    My Cal buck wasn't doing his job so I butchered him. He was about a year and a half. Had half of him as rabbit with gravy and noodles and potatoes. The other half we had tonight in a spicy soup. Tender and delicious. Recipe: Simmer in crock pot 4 hours with onion soup stock. Remove meat and let...
  18. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Need advice for orphaned 4 week olds

    Found the mom dead tonight. The kits will be 4 weeks old Thursday. Can another doe foster them at this age or will she reject them? What do I need to do to give them a chance? Don't know why their mom passed. She gets producers pride pellets, a pinch of oatmeal, a pinch of boss daily. Alfalfa...
  19. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Cage dividers-yes or no

    I have 3 does. All have kits. I have peg board dividers between them. Which can be removed. I put them in because the 1st Doe was upset with her neighbor shortly after kindling. I put the next one between the other two prior to kindling. To prevent the same aggression. (Yeah. Another newby...
  20. Lil Acorn Acres Farm

    Need Advice -kits born outside the box.

    So here is the newbee again. The Doe didn't like the nest box and started building a nest on the wire this morning. So I covered the bottom of the cage with straw. She built her nest in a horrible spot, one was shoved under the feeder and died. So I moved them into the box. Nest and all. She...