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  1. Nyctra

    Might have a "pet" chicken now...

    Yeah, I'm leaning closer to Coryn, evil Nyra's look-a-like son....except Coryn was a good guy. So maybe the male version of Nyra's name, Nyroc. But then it has Ny in it and that's odd, because I go by Ny. :shock: Maybe I"ll just call him Rock, or after some other character I affectionately hate...
  2. Nyctra

    Might have a "pet" chicken now...

    3 weeks old now, and so ugly and feathery. :D Couldn't get him and his hen to work things out, so he's still living on my desk in a rodent cage. I'll have to upgrade him soon. I think he's afraid of the dark. :lol: When I shut off his light, just for a moment, he'll start to cry.
  3. Nyctra

    Might have a "pet" chicken now...

    I heard something about hand-raised roosters turning out mean suckers, and it has seemed that way with me too so far. Or it could've been in their breeding. :? The hen-raised roos I spent half the day among turned out fine...nothing like the pair of RIRs I raised, or the hen-raised singleton...
  4. Nyctra

    The unsexable?

    Do I smell an "oops" excuse for babies? :mrgreen:
  5. Nyctra

    Might have a "pet" chicken now...

    I wouldn't think, especially since she's gone a day or two without a chick, but she certainly tried to take him in. Once she gets so close, though, he moves away. :?
  6. Nyctra

    Might have a "pet" chicken now...

    I'll try tonight if she's not up on the roosts. I'm worried about leaving him unsupervised with the flock though because he seems pretty afraid of her and I have my doubts he'll stay where I put him. :/
  7. Nyctra

    Might have a "pet" chicken now...

    And I suspect it's a rooster too. :lol: Sure struts around like one! He's a little mutt involving Silkie, Easter Egger, and Rhode Island Red. Dad mentioned the broody hen was acting a little different right as I was about to head out the door to do my bunny chores. I'm glad I turned around and...
  8. IMG 4508

    IMG 4508

    I've been in a popple drought...I can't get over these babes. <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->
  9. Nyctra

    About time!

    If it's any consolation, I envy anyone who can breed a uniform litter. :? I'm so indecisive, every litter ends up multicolor. eehehehe pretty babes..
  10. Nyctra

    About time!

    The blue-tinted one's got super faint tort-pattern markings now. Thinking sable point of some shade now. :? They're less than a day old. I need to quit speculating at least until they get bellies on them. :roll:
  11. Nyctra

    About time!

    I haven't had a litter since June, my fall breeding was screwed up due to well problems, then winter stubbornness set in...and at long last, I have some babies! What is this, her 3rd or 4th shot? and I finally got kits from Pyrite! And goodness, she surprised me in a good way. I was expecting...
  12. Nyctra

    Possibly a miracle... [+weird update!]

    The kit was fine EARLY early this morning, before dawn after he was fed. It's just so sudden... Dang. He has only very slight reaction near the hips and thigh. As far as I can tell, the Champagne in my area normally have small litters - at least it seems that way, going by the breeders I've...
  13. Nyctra

    Comment by 'Nyctra' in media 'deer'

    That's awesome! <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> I've only seen a deer with a white mark once....and all I could see of it was a brilliant white butt as it crossed the road with the herd. <!-- s:lol: --><img...
  14. Nyctra

    Possibly a miracle... [+weird update!]

    Well I've seen a handful folks with rabbits recover from sprained backs, so there's probably a one in a million chance it could get better. It'll probably become dog snack once dad goes to bed, though. :( It's a different kit with normal toes.
  15. Nyctra

    Possibly a miracle... [+weird update!]

    And now there's a lively but paraplegic kit. :x I think Sophie's got a few too many strikes against her... The kit was fine and normal yesterday, but it's sure not right today. It's one of the biggest ones too. :cry: I'd cull it, but dad's so against culling inedible babies lately, he'd...
  16. Nyctra

    Color possibilities - Blue otter bred to Orange

    Your doe should be: A_ Bb C_ Dd ee (Aat or Aa) Your buck should be: at_ B_ C_ dd Ee So you could get Chestnuts, Opals, oranges & fawns, and black & blue tans and foxes, possibly self black/blues or torts.
  17. Nyctra

    Possibly a miracle... [+weird update!]

    I thought it was a tiny baby testicle at first....or an intestine... :x But after it pooped and peed and I sexed them all, I'm pretty sure both are ruled out. :hmm:
  18. Nyctra

    Possibly a miracle... [+weird update!]

    I realized the odd-toed baby has something weird with it's leg... Looks like a little bit of meat sticking out a small nick in the back of it. I can't make it push back in. :cry: I think it's the only doe in the bunch, too...I hope it'll be alright.
  19. Nyctra

    "Dead rabbit" picture thread

    A few minutes of grooming, and Puma decided to wallow in self pity and put on a very convincing dead bunny act, laying across the pool net as if he’d been broomsticked and proceeding to be a limp ragdoll as I carried him back to his cage. :lol: (He really had me worried for a bit...but he acts...
  20. Nyctra

    Possibly a miracle... [+weird update!]

    Oh dang, you're right! :o I didn't even think of that. I wonder how much it could fetch, being a mutant and all? :greedy: