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  1. Nyctra

    My polydactyl rabbit...

    I had a black tom like that, and when he went missing, I nearly adopted his lookalike from the pound. Seems pretty normal in cats. More to love. :P She's been paired twice to her brother, and was just paired to her son from one of those pairings. None of the offspring leave, but they've all...
  2. Nyctra

    My polydactyl rabbit...

    This is Fiver. She's polydactyl - having a single extra toe! Her mother was a Champagne d'Argent, father is a French Angora. So much for inbreeding being the source of deformities, huh? :P Believe it or not, she's not named after the Watership Down character. She’s actually named after Ford...
  3. Nyctra

    Let's get cliche! [photography attempt]

    I'm not actually sure what a DSLR is. :shock: It's those big cameras with the lenses you swap, right? I just point and shoot and take like five hundred pictures and hope one comes out OK. :lol: For the blurry effect in these photos, I made a new layer in Photoshop to paint in the spaces I...
  4. Sophie


    Found a harness that fits my biggest bun! <!-- s:P --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz" /><!-- s:P --> At the low-low price of her nearly slitting my wrists <!-- s:x --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mad.gif" alt=":x" title="Mad" /><!-- s:x -->
  5. Nyctra

    Let's get cliche! [photography attempt]

    Well that's a relief! :lol: I have a slightly better camera, but it's broken and can't hold batteries in anymore, and also I dunno where it went. :? The one I'm using now is a "Canon PowerShot A560" and that's all I know. :|
  6. Nyctra

    Let's get cliche! [photography attempt]

    I recently learned some of the really cool photos I've envied in the past have been edited. I knew I could edit, but refrained because it feels like cheating. But then the truth was revealed to me and now there's nothing holding me back. :twisted: So I tried adding some cliche blur and tint to...
  7. Nyctra

    The tiniest runt!

    Apparently, the feed I'd been using got recalled, which is what I'd used through most of her gestation and lactation. I saw several locals complaining about poor condition, litters, breedability, and such. So maybe that has something to do with why only a couple kits are really a decent size...
  8. Nyctra

    The tiniest runt!

    Fatty & Tiny are a couple days shy of 5 weeks! They're 19.3oz and 8.1oz now. :D
  9. Nyctra

    What is she doing?!

    Perfectly fine! :D You're describing a sort of packing behavior, when a doe packs the dirt to seals off the entrance of her burrow to keep her kits in and predators out. So she's just being silly, and thinks they're in a burrow and need to be grounded. :lol:
  10. Fluffy t-rex

    Fluffy t-rex

    Amethyst, AKA Tiny Amy, my lilac French. She's shrimpy...only about 6.5lb.
  11. Nyctra

    Pricing Rabbits for Rural King, how much $?

    My local feed store sells a variety of young small/medium and mix breeds (though never any meat breeds, like the biggest they do is Mini Lops) for $20 each, regardless of breed/mix/color. :? Seems like they like to keep them small and pretty, and I guess since less feed goes into them, they can...
  12. Nyctra

    The tiniest runt!

    Aww! Itty bitty mini!
  13. Nyctra

    The tiniest runt!

    They feel pointless to grow out and can be heartbreaking, but boy do the "special" buns make it a little more fun. :oops:
  14. Nyctra

    The tiniest runt!

    Look how tiny!! I've had 1oz buns born before, but they had either died or caught up. I'm thinking now this might very well be the runtiest runt I've ever had. :P Admittedly, the little guy did need help nursing, but he's still chugging along!
  15. Nyctra

    Best bedding for non wire floor?

    "Pine is fine" - just avoid cedar. Bedding pine is kiln dried, and the oils basically get evaporated out of it. Cedar is harsher and the one you actually gotta worry about. I usually just throw a coffee can's worth in my house bun's potty corner, and change it every few days. I used to use some...
  16. Is this Narnia?

    Is this Narnia?

    It started snowing on the 1st, and then it kept snowing. We got at least 17" in the woods, and usually there's even more out in the open. I've never seen so much snow! It was fun for the first few days while the power was out.
  17. He puts the NO in SNOW

    He puts the NO in SNOW

    Zuko reached a point he was more cold than inquisitive. It started snowing on the 1st, and then it kept snowing. We got at least 17" in the woods, and usually there's even more out in the open. I've never seen so much snow! It was fun for the first few days while the power was out.
  18. Elvira


    She's a pretty lady even when she's giving me the stink eye...
  19. Autumn


    Autumn in winter! lol She wasn't thrilled with the white stuff.