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  1. Nyctra

    "Murphy's law?" [Update: KITS!]

    I want to say I've never had a litter so fat, so consistently! I swear their bellies are stretched to the max after they eat. I think these are going to be some really chubby bunnies. :lol: Usually my kits get "enough" but this seems excessive! Her sister is due this weekend with a first litter...
  2. Nyctra

    I need to move this nest!

    I'd go ahead and move it. I do all kinds of crazy things with my nests and mamas. :? Remove kits, then move the nest material nearby, preferably into a nestbox so they can't get drug out, and put them back in it. Mama bun will probably be stumped that they're not where she left them, but she...
  3. Nyctra

    "Murphy's law?" [Update: KITS!]

    Lost the broken choc otter last night to chilling. :cry: Lil bugger escaped the nest to help himself to the milk bar, and didn't find his way back. I think all that cold milk in his belly prevented him from warming up properly, and eventually what looked like heart attacks took him. :weep: The...
  4. Nyctra

    "Murphy's law?" [Update: KITS!]

    Angora and rex are recessives on different loci. So these babies will be just plain shorthair, but if I bred back to a rex, I could get normal and rex. Bred back to an angora, I could get normal and angora. Bred together, I could get normal, rex, angora, and angora AND rex on the same...
  5. Nyctra

    "Murphy's law?" [Update: KITS!]

    Looking like I have 4 broken torts, a broken chocolate otter, and the golden one I'm still undecided on, either choc tort or choc fox. I want to lean toward tort now. :popcorn: I predict these are going to be some chubby babies... :lol:
  6. Nyctra

    Comment by 'Nyctra' in media 'Darla'

    They kinda look like cals that got chilled to me. Cal is a temperature-sensitive color, getting color on the coldest points. When a kit gets chilled, the fur grows in dark, but they eventually molt out of it and turn white again. <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)"...
  7. Nyctra

    "Murphy's law?" [Update: KITS!]

    Here we go...looks like I got false charlies, and some shade of fox! :P
  8. Nyctra

    What color are these considered?

    Oh, they're broken alright. :mrgreen: They look like sables from here. The frosted look on the faces actually remind me of the charlies from booted broken (low white) influence I used to get in my New Zealands. :?
  9. Nyctra

    The fodder fairy...

    I got bit again this year. :oops: The difference this year, is I have a little more incentive to get this right because I'm having some major feed problems, and the last straw was pulled. :evil: Fodder is feeling like a last resort lately, and it's coming along well enough that I have hope...
  10. Nyctra

    Digital art commissions! I draw rabbits!

    Thank you~ :D There's a few more on over this way... surprise-i-drew-more-bunnies-t31453.html ;D Everything is digital, but I do also use a texture as seen on the Christmas doggy, which I made with my own charcoal and paper, to give some drawings a bit of a papery look. Most of it is intended...
  11. Nyctra

    Wire shelving cage...

    Yeah, I guess I could see kits slipping their feet through, but for the bigger buns like growouts, I think it would be fine. :?
  12. Nyctra

    Wire shelving cage...

    Yeah, but aren't they generally pickier about wire to begin with? :? Seems like there would be less to get snagged on, to me. I've had a few screamer kits get stuck in the wire, and I use 1x1/2. Curiously, seems to happen more to some of my bloodlines *coughcough*theangora*cough* than others...
  13. Nyctra

    Wire shelving cage...

    Saw shelving a few months back, and thought "wow, bet that would make a cool cage!" The instant I mentioned rabbits, my dad drug me away, of course... :lol: Last night, I found someone who did it! And it works! AND THEY MADE VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS! It looks so simple...
  14. Nyctra

    Coffee can = hay feeder

    Yes, they're wired to the walls. :) I feel so clever! :lol:
  15. Nyctra

    I've joined the dark side...

    TBH, I'd be pretty happy for uniform black's easier to focus on the things that matter rather than fancy colors. :oops: Mix 'em with some Ayam Cemani... :mrgreen:
  16. Nyctra

    Compulsive Post-Partum Hair Pulling

    Eh, I've had some just keep pulling over the next couple weeks...regardless of how cold or ugly they get. Episodes seem to be triggered by dawn or dusk, or whenever they feel too much pressure buildup in their lil bunny ****s. If they're that kind of doe, I shelve the kits, because sometimes...
  17. Nyctra

    Coffee can = hay feeder

    Yeah, I'm not sure why it took me so long to realize I can just use a coffee can to feed hay in. :P I already use them for water. Sure they take up some floor space, but I think they're worth the sacrifice. Way less waste than trying to let them pull it through wire, or a wire rack, or leaving...
  18. Nyctra

    I've joined the dark side...

    Well, kinda. I mean, I've always been prone to black rabbits. I probably had more blacks than anything else, and even had a black stray find me back in autumn. I was adamant my first bunny almost 8 years ago be time flies. And ever since, I've practically been overrun with black...
  19. Nyctra

    Okay... lightly confuzzled. (Kit colors)

    Okay, now they look fawn. Really smutty fawn, but fawn. The tail is dark above, and light below; it would be all dark on a tort. The inner ears were pretty dark before, but they've sure lightened up. huh :shock:
  20. Nyctra

    "Murphy's law?" [Update: KITS!]

    Update: took. She palpated positive. Better get some really darn cute babies out of this. :? She looks like she has regrets. :lol: