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  1. Nyctra

    Exercising my right brain again

    These are awesome! :D Can't wait to see more. I envy your ear-foreshortening abilities. :lol: I catch myself avoiding that angle every time. Pips is my favorite. :oops: Love that baby tummy.
  2. Nyctra

    RIP computer, overbaked buns, and other tidbits

    My computer went through a lengthy and depressing dying process, and the constant fear of it crashing and never turning back on scared me into an unproductive blob-like state of anxiety. Between crashes, I managed to get most of my stuff moved to an external hard drive, and eventually on to...
  3. Nyctra

    Digital art commissions! I draw rabbits!

    fluffies sent! :pancake:
  4. Nyctra

    Bio-polar Hamster

    Dunno why it wouldn't work the same on hamsters, but I learned NOT to feed snappy rats & mice by hand, and not to handle them while my hands smelled even slightly of food. Some were just plain aggressive, but getting them used to taking food from the hand made being bitten twice as likely...
  5. Nyctra

    mini meat & growth rate...

    So far, I'm pretty positive this litter is outdoing most of what I've had in the past couple years. :lol: They did go on a fodder strike at about 8 weeks old, refusing to eat their mat, but even then, they still eat 1/2 to 1/4 the amount of pellets previous litters have at this age, and I'm...
  6. Yer a wizard, bunny

    Yer a wizard, bunny

    Sophie's on her way to Hogwarts! <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: -->
  7. Nyctra

    Is it possible to breed big wide hind feet into

    Isn't some of the fat-footedness because of their bushy fur? :shock: I wonder how that would work with Rex having their extra-short fur. Even Plush Lop feet look kinda thin.
  8. Nyctra

    Mirage lionheads (look what Nyctra drew for me)

    I'm so happy you're so happy with them! :D It's gonna be one fancy herd! :mrgreen:
  9. Nyctra

    Digital art commissions! I draw rabbits!

    Dunno about the missing one, but I got the 2nd! Lemme know if you got my reply, or if the mail goblin ate it. :shock:
  10. Nyctra

    My turkey just hatched 13 babies

    Adorable now, delicious later? :mrgreen: I love that photo. :in_love: Proud mama!
  11. Nyctra

    mini meat & growth rate...

    It only dawned on me recently, too. :oops: Figured if a 5lb fryer was coming from 10ish pound parents, then half parent weight the soonest must give a pretty good idea of where they ought to be. Bonus: not only have they grown much faster by comparison, these guys have been mostly fed on...
  12. Nyctra

    mini meat & growth rate...

    My chocolate fox is a chunky little oops mutt! Was not intended for meat, but so far she and her litter mates have shown the best growth of any litters from current bloodlines I happen to have on record...also noticeably meatier bodies too. ;) Only 2.5lb at 8 weeks, but her parents were 5lb...
  13. Nyctra

    Digital art commissions! I draw rabbits!

    Thank you! Shameless bump with some more Lucky Lapine art...working on the Peruvian right now! Halfway through, I goofed around a bit...and June (owner of LL) actually had it printed! :lol: It's a parody of the "three wolf moon" T-shirt. I'll probably be doing a better version of it once I'm...
  14. Nyctra

    Stronger Rabbits?

    A burst of energy and running around could've done it. I've watched a youngster sprain it's neck or something because it dashed and crashed into the wire. How sure are you it was a broken neck and not heart failure? Maybe a bad heart could've been why she was mellow. Also, stressed rabbits...
  15. Nyctra

    A Couple of Mysterys in in the latest batch

    I'm seeing broken tort, and broken choc sable point. ... guide.html Way down at almost the bottom, there's a couple examples of choc points.
  16. Nyctra

    Are these true netherland dwarf or false dwarf?

    Those are Lionhead or Lionhead mixes, not Netherland Dwarfs. I personally can't tell if they're dwarfed. Cute, though.
  17. Nyctra

    SURPRISE! I drew more bunnies

    Thanks! Late reply...sorry...but this is it, more or less. The Black Rabbit was shaded with a Photoshop brush...would be easier to send the brush itself rather than screenshotting the settings on it. :oops: (First two are lining, shading, color...whatever. 2nd two are for blending the shading or...
  18. Nyctra

    What Genotype is my French Angora?

    I'm voting Choc Sable for the broken bunny. I've had lilacs, lilac sable, and choc sable...their eyes are weird but pretty neat. :shock:
  19. Nyctra

    Need outside-the-box thinking... save $$ on cage door liners

    I don't know WHAT exactly this stuff is, unfortunately, but maybe you or someone else does? All I can remember is I bought it at a building supply store, and I think it was around the bathroom stuff. Some googling, and the closest I can get is it was in with the shower door seals? It came in...
  20. Nyctra

    Chestnut to tort? is this okay?

    They would produce more castors, but any other colors would depend on what recessives they carry.