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  1. Nyctra

    This litter has me confused, otter, agouti?

    #1 looks choc fox to me! Black fox should have smuttier sides, and a dilute should be creamier. #2 is blue otter, and booted - which which means that white marking on Layla is more than likely the booted broken pattern, and probably not VM. :( My choc fox kit, from an otter and a tort, both...
  2. Nyctra

    Surprise Shadeds in a BEW/VM litter

    Shaded + BEW = ruby-cast funkiness I don't know where these images came from, they were just saved to my reference folder... BEW, BEW+Shaded, REW
  3. Nyctra

    Why is REW more accepted in the rabbit community??

    :lol: Honestly, I've probably seen more BEWs and marked buns than any other color in my time lurking on the internet lately. Everyone seems to love BEW, but they wig me out. Much prefer my soft-eyed REWs. It's doubling up the Vienna gene that causes BEW, so breeding BEW to anything besides...
  4. Nyctra

    Gravity feeders = wasted food

    Using the same feeder for grain or treats, feeder too low, feeder not dispensing food properly, not liking the food and hoping to find something better in the bottom, and sheer boredom have all been causes to my buns digging at their Jfeeders. To fix, my solution is usually to raise the feeder...
  5. Nyctra

    Help with new color

    Looks fox to me, aka torted otter. They're neat little things! :P
  6. Nyctra

    Finally found a tan rabbit! Help me choose his mate!

    It's how yellow or red a bun is. The redder/orangier it is, the more rufus it has. For example, fawn and Red are both A_ B_ C_ D_ ee, but it's the rufus modifiers that really sets them apart. You can see an example of the difference in rufus on the chestnut kits on either end of this cuddle pile:
  7. Nyctra

    Lilac Chin or Lilac Sable Chin? updated pics

    eeeyup. There's a lot of similar colors, but that sure looks plain shagouti to me. :( Probably wideband too to contribute to his extra-light-but-not-quite-frosty look. You can absolutely spot sable types at birth. They start weirdly light - their blacks aren't black at all! :shock: I was so...
  8. Nyctra

    Finally found a tan rabbit! Help me choose his mate!

    As photos can be deceptive, I'm going to say line up your does and pick the ones with the richest rufus! You can get rid of agouti and nonextension genes easy by breeding back to a & E carriers, but building up that rufus was always a pain in the butt to me when I was trying to breed the red...
  9. Nyctra

    8 year old doe accidentally pregnant

    I'm not sure if pairing her to the buck to kickstart labor would be such a good idea? Because what if she's not really pregnant, and just having a false pregnancy? :? Does within days of kindling, I can usually palpate their bellies gently while they're relaxed and lounging, and feel the lumps...
  10. Nyctra

    Lucky Lapine

    Try: wy3r1tk25s
  11. Nyctra

    Lucky Lapine

    Each code can only be used once. I can generate a code a day, but I have a stockpile of them. :)
  12. Nyctra

    Lucky Lapine

    Boop~ ka7a71rm5l
  13. Nyctra

    Attempted Grocery Store Quails

    I see quail eggs candled all the time. :shock: I think you need a really good tiny light though. :lol: Good luck, though! There's a chance you could get some fertile eggs I think. Depending on color, quail can be hard to sex, and given the conditions they're normally kept in for egg-laying...
  14. Nyctra


    Bleh, coons. I'm grudgingly living with some. :angry: They got cornered here by loggers, and it's been a year of actually seeing mama coon with only one incident at the start. She has another litter this year, so I'm worried for another incident. So far, they haven't touched our chickens, and...
  15. Nyctra

    Lucky Lapine

    Welcome to the game. :mrgreen:
  16. Nyctra

    Lucky Lapine

    Me. I do. :lol: Try this code: zoijfm9jov
  17. Nyctra

    SURPRISE! I drew more bunnies

    :lol: Thank you. Was just goofing off, because a color preview image resembled it. :P <br /><br /> __________ Tue Aug 08, 2017 11:03 am __________ <br /><br /> I spent 30 minutes on a sketchy bunny animation this first try at animating a rabbit! :bunnyhop: I should probably try...
  18. Nyctra

    Digital art commissions! I draw rabbits!

    ahaha Yeah, that would seem sorta taboo. :roll: But thank you! <3
  19. Nyctra

    RIP computer, overbaked buns, and other tidbits

    Nah, I got it, thanks anyway though! This computer doesn't like it much; insists on asking me if I'm really sure I want to open it every time, and I have to manually locate and open my files. Can't just drag and drop them into the program like before. :? My list of complaints could go on. :lol...
  20. Nyctra

    RIP computer, overbaked buns, and other tidbits

    I just hope this other desktop holds up for me. :x Angora and rex genes are recessives on different loci, so the F1 crosses are just normal coats. This is a chocolate torted otter that came from the last litter. The litter, by the way, had far better growth rate, feed conversion, and dressout%...