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  1. Nyctra

    Possibly a miracle... [+weird update!]

    Sophie gave me four babies early this morning! :P Three fat ones and a runt... ...but there's something strange about the runt... He's polydactyl. :shock: Pretty weird, 'cause Sophie is missing a hind was thought it was bitten off as a I think she was just born that way...
  2. Nyctra

    Possibly a miracle... [+weird update!]

    No kits yet, but she's still nesting! Maybe tonight... :D
  3. Nyctra

    Possibly a miracle... [+weird update!]

    First, a handful of breeding's didn't take - and when finally one did, she aborted a kit 22 days in, and the rest of the litter died around the due date but were never expelled. I assumed they'd calcify since they died so late, and it'd render her infertile, since that seems to be what happens...
  4. Nyctra

    Palpating Question

    Yeaaahhhh those BB's were probably just poop. lol XD I usually palpate around days 14-17.
  5. Nyctra

    Dead rabbit, not playing

    Poor guy. D: Was there signs of drool around his mouth? Rabbits with heat stroke tend to drool. Are you sure there's no fly strike that could have stressed him to death? Are you quarantining after shows? It sounds kind of like you're not, so maybe he caught something. I'm in my first year of...
  6. Nyctra

    My kit has been dipped in tea

    Awesome baby! I had some fawn kits with a line something like that. It wasn't nearly that intense, though!
  7. Nyctra

    "Dead rabbit" picture thread

    “Paint me like one of your French girls.“ :mrgreen:
  8. Nyctra

    Hidden deformity?

    Towards the end of a show I visited, there were a couple angora on a table with several other breeds...I suppose that means they made it to the final round? Yet one of the angora that happened to be facing my way appeared to have a soggy nose. :shock: Maybe I'm just especially wary now, but I...
  9. Nyctra

    Hidden deformity?

    Well, it happened. :( I knew she was a ticking time bomb. She's had water, milk, and even chewed pellet come out of her nose - and now boogers too! Fantastic. :evil: I heard her sneeze the other night so I scooped her up in a heartbeat. She had some clear boogers around her nostrils, so I...
  10. Nyctra

    Comment by 'Nyctra' in media 'picture bloopers'

  11. Nyctra

    French Angora molt & kit questions

    I'd say sable point. :D I don't know whether blue or black, though.
  12. Nyctra

    The true purpose of angora... CLEARLY to dig trenches! :lol: Darling Elvira made headway on a hole several others had been working on in a filled-in ditch. As much as I LOVE to see bunnies being bunnies, I'm going to have to fill it in with rocks - because it's just a few inches from the fence now. :cry:
  13. Nyctra

    My first quail!

    Why not 2 chickens for you, and 10 quail for her? That seems about about right. :lol: Mine are supposed to be jumbo coturnix, and three of them are of the golden color variety. They aren't laying yet but the roosters are already crowing so I know for one they're QUIETER :P I also like the...
  14. Nyctra

    One of my babies gave me a heart attack this morning.

    I think that one's deserving of the name "Lucky!" :P
  15. Prince Zuko

    Prince Zuko

    pretty little prince, enjoying his time in the dirt <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->
  16. Nyctra

    WOOPS... (fodder flop lol)

    Go figure, all this time I've dumped bleach haphazardly into the soak bucket for my barley fodder - but never had an issue with it not sprouting... Attempt using white vinegar in the soak just once, and I botched it so bad, none of the seeds are sprouting. Not a single one. LOL :lol: They're...
  17. Nyctra

    Got a nasty feeling...

    I don't think there is any such thing as a herbivore anymore. :lol: I've had deer take game cam bait for our carnivore wildlife, my cavy used to gather around my dog's raw food and were even caught going cannibal on live pups, and my first time seeing a sweet little "herbivore" eat meat was...
  18. Nyctra

    When to breed a doe??

    3.5...yeah that sounds like someone I know. Had a little angora doe harassing her sister, and had to doublecheck to make sure she wasn't a he...was met with the readiest vent I've ever seen. :shock: Definitely a doe! lol The thought of pairing her with my mini rex guy has been tempting...but I...
  19. Nyctra

    I don't even LIKE kittens... [Update]

    Did I mention I don't like kittens much? I left my room for a moment and came back to this creepy little thing on my tablet... :x God, they give me the creeps. LOL I was just starting to like them, too!
  20. Nyctra

    Got a nasty feeling...

    Well, rabbits are diggers...sort of wonder if it's normal for them, but no one notices 'cause they do it underground...? :? Either way, BLECH! :razz2: 'Xactly why I named her Sophie. :D In Howl's Moving Castle, Sophie's a girl who was cursed to look like an old woman. Just seemed perfect for a...