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  1. SarniaTricia

    Breed suggestions

    I really think getting mutts from a back yard breeder will be your best bet!! Wait and talk to people at your local fall fairs! I was gifted a meat mutt trio when I started rabbits.... I have a friend that breeds tri rex and I started getting into Harlequins.... My meat mutts threw: tris...
  2. SarniaTricia

    What am I to do?

    I am going to double up a little on what AprilW has said here..... Two clearly announced meeting need to be set: 1st with the two of you and them: The two of you need to be clear with each other (and them) on were the boundaries are. You are adults and think about what you would take from a...
  3. SarniaTricia

    When to remove nest box

    Jbick If you have room.... put two nest boxes in there.... that way she can pick box A or B... either way, babies go in the box and fur should go in there with them.... moma will find them.
  4. SarniaTricia

    So... chickens...

    My 2Cents: Chickens can and will try and eat everything... so kitchen scraps now have a place to go... They can fly, so remember to fence high or deter with netting. more than one feed/water is nice for those low on the pecking order... More greens, brighter egg yolk (Love the idea with the...
  5. SarniaTricia

    Kimi's broken arm

    It will get better... good thing you live in Canada... that broken arm could have been a serious $$ issue in the US (depending on your level of insurance coverage of course!) You will get through this... Good time to really look at your herd and see if you are headed in the right direction or...
  6. SarniaTricia

    Opinions on resting mats

    I'm glad I'm not the only one..... those bucks are tricky.... always seem hungry then one day... bam, FAT... ;)
  7. SarniaTricia

    Nightmarish Doe

    YUP! she was a boxer, not a biter... I think that is the difference between cull and work with her.... She's sweet now... was giving her a little extra attention this morning... she is enjoying being pet and pampered (she has a litter, so she also gets treats in the form of high calorie top...
  8. SarniaTricia

    Nightmarish Doe

    I had an opportunity to talk with the lady that purchased my meat mutt line.... she had some serious scratches from the VIPER... but no bites yet... She does love Little Red Riding Hood.... the sweetest doe I have ever had... she doesn't want your food or water... she wants you to pet her and...
  9. SarniaTricia

    Kimi's broken arm

    Hang in there Kimitsu The bad days are there to strengthen us and make the good times that much brighter.... You are not alone... your dad can help I FEEL your pain re: vet $$$$$ We pay ridiculous $$ for a vet in Canada... wish there was a pet health care insurance... covered yearly...
  10. SarniaTricia

    So... chickens...

    If you live subdivision ..... and the town doesn't have rules about chickens (I'd check... I found out the hard way) Id build a pallet house and run! the one tarheel showed was wonderful!! Ive tossed fresh cut grass into the run for extra foraging If you get them trained to a feed can, you...
  11. SarniaTricia

    Snuffles or Am I Overacting?

    OldEnglish.... I posted on my thread that is discussing Snuffles the name of a lab that will test for Pastuella and Boratella..... (sp?) You might want to consider testing the whole herd and possibly cutting your losses..... sanitize and start again when you feel ready... Once you have...
  12. SarniaTricia

    Summer breeding

    This ..... I'm in the Windsor, Ontario area of Canada and we get hot and humid in the summers here.... 90+ with very high humidity.... I did my last breeding for the summer May 24... then I bred one more doe last week... (I'm an idiot sometimes) ... no more till the fall!!
  13. SarniaTricia

    Nightmarish Doe

    I can really empathise with this.... I had exactly the same doe.... everything you have had happen, happened to me during her first breeding.... Tossed her back with a buck for her second breeding and she turned into a demon again!! (she got nick named VIPER) I had her SOLD or she would...
  14. SarniaTricia

    Could it be snuffles? Found the data on a lab that you can send a sample to .... It is affordably but I think it is worth it... because even after 30+ days, you will not be sure.... and if you are like me, I need to know.
  15. SarniaTricia

    Testing for Snuffles.....

    Ladysown!! I got a response from the breeder this morning ... she has never had issues with Pasturella, she is thinking it is bordatella. I did treat the rabbit with PenG when I got it home. I have since had no issues... but your comments have made me rethink introducing her to the building...
  16. SarniaTricia

    What Breed is my Kit? & Age?

    Shorter ears suggest some kind of Netherland dwarf cross... but honestly, at the 4-16 week old ... could be just about any cross that isn't defined by colour. Sure is a cute bunny... congrats Welcome to Rabbit Talk There is a Thread on sexing rabbits somewhere.... Your rabbit may be a little...
  17. SarniaTricia

    Could it be snuffles?

    I agree with Maggie!!!! I've had my newest bunny in quarantine for over a month now.... she never had crusty paws..... just a little bit of snot and a little rattle after a 3 day show .... she was treated with PenG and had not shown any symptoms since. Was it Bordetella? Is it Pasturella and...
  18. SarniaTricia

    Testing for Snuffles.....

    Thank you Maggie,but Guelph is 3-3.5 hours away from me... It would be quicker to flip over to the US and find someone to test there.... I finally bucked up and asked the breeder if she has ever had issues. She hasn't shown any other issues except that first Sunday and a couple days later...
  19. SarniaTricia

    New Breeder

    :yeahthat: I went to shows for a year with a friend that breeds rex .... before I decided to breed Magpie Harlequin.. :D Shows are a great source of information and breeder connections. (bring a chair as they are long and sometimes a bit one thing I would add...... What is...
  20. SarniaTricia

    Good pet recommendations?

    The larger the better... preferably a rabbit that has been raised around dogs, or had exposure to dogs.... We had a NZ (13lbs) that was buddies with our dog.... at 3 years old he became a pet for someone else, house trained quickly and now has his own dog buddy (supervised playtime) I think...