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  1. SarniaTricia

    looking for pelts!

    I know this is going to be a stupid question.... but, how does one salt a pelt? I have a friend who was going to teach me full body skinning and trapper salt curing ... then we were going to go together to get them professionally tanned (for garments) .... but somehow, summer has gotten away...
  2. SarniaTricia

    Picking her replacement

    Have you tried: Coming along the top of the cage and holding her down? Sometimes what is going on is a dominance thing that needs to be squashed.... literally. A replacement doe should have the correct body type for meat and be fast growing... Here is a blog I regularly read again to help...
  3. SarniaTricia

    15 things I want in life

    I use the calculus of rabbit math.... it works, you are not sure why, or what to use it for... but it works...
  4. SarniaTricia

    Big news!

    Glad I'm not the only one who does :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. SarniaTricia

    Relatively new mom of 4 angoras

    Congrats and Welcome!
  6. SarniaTricia

    Harlequin markings?

    I agree with SableSteel... The first Harlequin rabbits I was able to find were fairly muddy.... In my experience, if you are willing to work and cull hard.. bringing in one clean marked Rabbit can have a significant effect on your herd.... Also, I have found that as long as you are getting...
  7. SarniaTricia

    15 things I want in life

    You just have to use Rabbit Math correctly and 15 is just the right number.... I will have over 15 in a month when my grow-ups become breeding age and get "added" to the rabbitry... Ozarkansas.... sounds like you are the one who needs more rabbits... "only 11???" :lol:
  8. SarniaTricia

    Anyone here raise rare breeds?

    They are SOOOOOooooo beautiful!!! Cruel Ozarkansas ...... so very cruel.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :runaround: I could make it work if I...... crap!! Why you gotta...... The good news is I have no rabbits currently for The bad news is I am rearranging my rabbitry in my head...
  9. SarniaTricia

    Big news!

    Congrats!!! :mbounce: Owning is a huge exciting stressful fun event! Also, I agree with Homer... the shop noises will help make your rabbits bomb proof in the event of a predator or storm.... less likely for your rabbits to freak out and brain themselves or break their backs... strange noises...
  10. SarniaTricia

    Mini rex cross *Got pictures!!

    Drooling over those crisp, clean, richly coloured, Harlequin bands.... Thank you for posting photos SableSteel... <3
  11. SarniaTricia

    Anyone here raise rare breeds?

    OMG!! My heart went right to my throat! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: The hair on my arms raised :o and ... UUUUUugggggg!! I DO NOT have room for another breed!!! :( I would make it happen!!! I am not afraid to drive or arrange for transport.. but truth.. there is not enough room!!! In...
  12. SarniaTricia

    New Breed

    I know there is a lot involved in creating a new breed..... Was wondering if anyone has information on it? Tips etc. I am spit balling more than anything, because I need more space to do a project like this..... But I'm thinking it would be cool to breed a mini Harlequin, that poses like a ND...
  13. SarniaTricia

    15 things I want in life

    Well... I did the rabbit math and .... I have 9 does and 3 bucks.... that's only 12 rabbits... I have 3 other bucks and 1 doe that are not staying (scheduled for freezer camp)... they don't count, because they are leaving and I have 4 does and 3 bucks that are growing up for breeders ...
  14. SarniaTricia

    Anyone here raise rare breeds?

    I love the temperament! But I cull for temperament as well.... I never want to reach into a cage and have to be careful I don't get bitten... I have a few lickers... but no biters.... Kiki is a bit of an attention pig, but I think that is because she has gone to shows since she was 12 weeks...
  15. SarniaTricia

    7 live, 1 dead... how to judge the doe

    I have a special mix of boss, rolled oats, whole oats, cheeks (show conditioning feed) and flax. I call it super food. Lactating does get 1-3 tbsp. of it on top of their feed daily. Does are very happy for mornings and feed!
  16. SarniaTricia

    Male vs female as pets

    I have always heard that bucks make better pets.... With my Magpie Harlequins; my does tend to be more attention hogs... the buck like to be pet, but tend to make you chase them to be pet.... I have two does that bump my hand for pets and one that licks me... I also have a buck and a doe that...
  17. SarniaTricia

    Question on cages

    I have a collection of different cages that I have purchased 2nd hand as well as a few new... My suggestion is purchase your first 1 or 2 new... but keep your eyes open for "deals" You may have to get creative, but if you can get 3 that have the same width and depth, you can use 2x4, screws...
  18. SarniaTricia

    Best door design

    I have 3 types of doors on my multiple cages... I have swing out from the side... my personal favourite... as I can put feeders/water bottles on them and they usually stay out of the way when I need to do stuff.... I have my rabbits in a horse stall that has a large piece of wood along the...
  19. SarniaTricia

    Questions to Ask when Buying Rabbits

    I'm going to chime in here because I have a friend that sells beautiful show quality tri rex, often by courier. A. Your breeder should send you multiple pictures of the rabbit you are considering from multiple angles. POSED properly for the breed. They should also send more if you have...
  20. SarniaTricia

    Emergency weather preparation

    Some good advice so far!!! I thought pretty long and hard about this...... I believe if I were threatened with evacuation... I would have everything except the water ready. (I have a camp kit with amost everything I need for camping) I have carriers for my breeders, but I am sad to say, some of...